The Colour of the Debit Card

I completely get it :grin:

If you want a conversation starter wear hot coral shoes/jumper/trousers/jackets. At least folk will see them. :wink:

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I recall a story (possibly from this forum?) where it was the colour of a pair of shoes which inspired the colour of the card!

If someone didnā€™t have the card all ready do you think anyone would identify hot coral from your website? I would associate more with the dark blue on the website as part of Monzoā€™s branding, which is the same colour as the envelope for my CA card ( which has now changed to a white envelope )

Yeah it was @hugoā€™s trainers I believe.


Well the colour of the icon of the phone app is different. To be honest I donā€™t think itā€™s wrong to think that the card would have been of a different colour.
Also that flashy red gets dirty after a while.

It is possible to use other colours than dark blue. The Hot Coral bank card has probably done more than most ā€˜brand coloursā€™ to virally spread Monzoā€™s reach amongst users. No one thinks ā€˜wow, thatā€™s an unexpectedly dark blue app on your phone, who is that?ā€™ do they?


The hot coral is more of an accent colour, so many other corporations will have a colour like navy on their products, I canā€™t imagine many other companies using something like hot coral.

Peronally, Iā€™ve had loads of people ask me about the brighly coloured card Iā€™m using.


I like it :+1: leave my hot coral alonnnnne


Deffo not weā€¦ I love my hot coral card is a real crowd pleaser and convo starter :laughing:


I personally donā€™t see why they would want to change the colour to be honest, I get your short term view whilst thereā€™s two cards but that wonā€™t be an issue soon.

Hot Coral has been a conversation starter with me multiple times amongst my friends and even bar staff/waiters when Iā€™ve been out and about. A few of my friends have actually gone out and got themselves on Monzo after Iā€™ve given them a little demo of the app and all itā€™s features!

Iā€™ve never had the same conversations when Iā€™ve whipped out my Starling debit card as a few legacy banks use purpleā€¦


Love the fact that one of the biggest issues on this forum is the colour of the card :joy:. Doesnā€™t really offend me to have a hot coral card in my wallet, or to get it out in public.

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Yep. Weā€™re all over the mission critical stuff thatā€™s of utmost importance.

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Ha ha. I still go with hot coral. Hot coral is Monzo, but another more muted colour would be a nice choice. More muted colours will be needed for business accounts I think.

I think black will be held back in case Monzo want to offer a Premium/fee based account in the future. I could be wrong.

I like a transparent card, or partially transparent card, similar to the N26 cards they look really classy.

Maybe part hot coral and part transparent??


I got my Loot card today. Iā€™m planning to move completely to the Monzo CA and use Loot as a prepaid card.
I must say, I was really impressed by the quality of the package it came in and the quality of the card itself.
I liked the futuristic translucid design.


There arenā€™t actually any plans for Monzo to offer business accounts.


Fine, I donā€™t need a business account, just a personal one (when I get my invite!).

Hi with Barclays you can send through a photo and they put that as your card cover.
Or you can simply pick a colour of your choice on the options screen.

I think once the beta is over and before ordering a new batch of cards you should allow the users with cards already and new ones once they have topped up to select what option of card they wish to have through the app.

Your idea might be here