Did anyone else love the colour of the beta monzo card? Because I did and I tweeted out about it, leading to this discussion topic.
let’s have a discussion about whether the card colour should remain or be changed to another funky colour.
Who needs a boring all matte purple card (like NatWest) or a standard dark green (like Lloyds) when there’s a range of unique colours to discuss and vote about
This has already been discussed in three separate threads and the decision was made to retain the unique selling point of Monzo’s distinct colour scheme.
Other suggested options like purple are currently used by Monese and Starling. Black and Platinum etc are already used by a long string of other firms from poor credit cards to private banking.
There’s been lots of discussion around this topic, and rightly so it’s a rather big decision in terms of brand recognition. An exact reason why it should be unique!
Would be nice to have a small level of customisation, I know (among others) NatWest have custom cards so you can add a picture – but even being able to pick the colour from a few options would be nice