Targets - Spend In A Typical Month Calculation Error

I have two month’s worth of Groceries transactions:

Month 1: Spent £124
Month 2: Spent £177

However the app is telling me I typically spend £105 per month.

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Ah, the Homer Algorithm…doh!

Hi I have a similar issue. All the averaging is a bit over the place. Mine I think is due to the fact the first month I had monzo was in the last week of that month so my spending is much less in that month. Previously the average functionality seemed to either take the amount of days in the month into account or ignored this part of a month.

In targets all my averages are way down and I am guessing it is to do with this one week month.

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Yep, same here! I guess the monthly averages need to be calculated by days passed - to cope with getting the card, and/or starting to establish your targets, mid-way through a month.

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At the moment the ‘spending in a typical’ month takes your spending across all the month’s you have had the card and divides it by the total number of months. As @evanschris and @adam_s mentioned, this is something we can improve on in the future to take into account the number of days you’ve had the card.

@alexs: Do you have any months with zero spending in Groceries?

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No I don’t, the two month’s totals that I mentioned are the only two months when I’ve had my card (received ~August 9th).