Switching from tsb to monzo

Hey. I’m just about to go fullswitch with Monzo from my tsb account. My question is. My tsb is a single account and I have a single and joint account with Monzo. Can I full switch to the joint account or does it have to be to the single account?
Thanks in advance.

I believe Monzo only support switching to accounts of the same type eg personal to personal or joint to joint. The source has been deleted so can’t link to it but that was the situation a few weeks ago

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AHH right. That’s fine. Not too much of an issue but would have been easier to have everything in one place. Thanks for the reply. :sunglasses:

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Going through the CASS steps in app with the destination as my joint, it doesn’t state any requirements of the origin account having to be a joint.
Therefore I believe it should be possible. It may be best to ask Monzo via chat, just to be sure :slight_smile:

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I think you can go from single to joint on CASS (but not from joint to single). Like @jtaylor69 says, though, just ask in app. They’ll be able to confirm!

Just had a reply and @Rat_au_van was right. Personal to personal or joint to joint. Thanks all.


You can on the scheme but pretty sure Daniel said Monzo weren’t supporting it. OG slack though so can’t link

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We were actually discussing last night what’s happened to the thing Monzo were doing to enable users to move direct debits from their personal account to joint account. When I find a link i’ll share it coz that might help you


Was it this one @Rat_au_van?
Monzo for Android - Teardowns & Deep Dives 👨‍💻

Obviously it’s slightly technical in appearance but it hints at the “Move payments” feature that will debut eventually. Once implemented, payments can be moved from one account to another.


Yep that was it :raised_hands:


I remembered the name as I am looking forward to this myself. Will make sorting bills far easier! :slight_smile:


Sorry for spreading fake news. If in doubt, always defer to @Rat_au_van!

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