Hello Monzo Community
I’m writing this to share a suggestion that I would really like to see Monzo implement into their app. Hopefully this is the right place for this? This is also quite long, but it makes sense in the long run, so soz bout that!
This suggestion is in relation to customer support (but is NOT a complaint). I’m going to be referring to support as CS or Agents, but I mean Support when I say this.
Basically, I really like the way that the Help tab is currently laid out. However, I would like to see a “Contact Support” button at the very bottom of the Help page.
Upon pressing this, you would be presented with four options. They would be “MonzoBot”, “Support Chat”, “It’s an emergency”, and “Call Monzo”. I’ll explain these in more detail now.
MonzoBot is pretty self explanatory. It would bring up a chat window in which you would ask a question, and it would either show you support articles, or take you to the specific part of the app (kinda like Cora x NatWest). It wouldn’t really need much more functionality than this, and would just be an option to help you find a support article.
If you clicked on “Support Chat”, a full-screen page with a message would appear. A message would say “Have you checked support articles, or tried talking to MonzoBot? It’s usually the quickest way to find an answer.” Then there would be two buttons at the bottom. “Exit” would take you back to the Help tab. “Chat to support” would take you to the standard chat, where you would be able to send Monzo a message, whatever the time of day/night it is.
If you send a message between 8pm and 7am, an automated message would appear saying “We’re currently closed for the night. We have your message, and we’ll be back at 7am.” This way you can send a message at night, but be fully aware that you’re not going to get a response until the next day.
If you click on “It’s an emergency”, you would once again be taken to a full-screen page, with a message saying “This service should only be used in an emergency? Use this service if you’ve lost your card, need to report fraud, make a complaint, or are in a vulnerable position. If it’s not an emergency, please use our general support chat.”
At the bottom of this screen, there would be two options. “It’s an emergency” would take you to a 24/7 live chat. “It’s not urgent” would take you back to the Help tab.
If you click on “Call Monzo”, once again, a screen would appear saying “If it’s urgent, call us 24/7. Otherwise, we’re around 7am to 8pm, 7 days a week”. Then, when you press “Call Monzo” (at the bottom of the page), you would be automatically taken to your phone’s phone app, and the Monzo phone number would automatically be filled in, so you just have to press call.
Now, I appreciate that this idea would technically make support more easily accessible. HOWEVER, with the option of MonzoBot, and messages saying “It’s usually quicker to check support articles” or smth like that, I believe that it would give people a place to ask a question, which can potentially be solved without having to involve a human.
I also believe that this selection of support would be best. It gives you the option of getting a bot to link you to a support article, or guide you to correct area of the app. If it’s more complex, then you’re still able to send support a message 24 hours a day (although they’ll still only reply between 7am and 8pm). However, if it’s a genuine emergency, you’ve got the option to contact live support whenever you need it, which I think is really important.
I’d really like Monzo to see this, and for them to implement part or all of this (I realise that MonzoBot might be unrealistic, but I’d still love to see it happen).
I’m also interested to hear people’s thoughts on my idea.
(If this idea has already been suggested, I’m rlly sorry, and I can take this down if you want)