Summary - Feedback thread


Do we know when the following will be fixed? If I purchase an item using my monzo current account 1) I canā€™t split it with my joint account 2) if I send the money from my joint to my current account it doesnā€™t update the summary so always looks like Iā€™ve spent more than I actually have. Thanks

If a payment has been marked as ā€˜Exclude From Summaryā€™, why (when bill splitting that payment) is the money received plonked into my Summary?

Now Summary thinks Iā€™ve spent less than I have done :frowning:

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Iā€™ve just done a savings transfer so that I can earn some money the earnings I have that I donā€™t need to use yet. When I have toggled that I want it to be excluded from summary, it is still saying that I have spent that amount today. Is this how it is supposed to work? I thought it would remove the amount from ā€œspent todayā€.

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And just noticed what looks like another issue - apologies if this has already been covered in the thread. I get paid on 26th of each month, but for some reason my rent/bill standing order is being included in my committed spend for this pay period. Surely it should be showing me how much I have left until I get paid again? Not until the end of the month.

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Im sorry if its been covered before.

I thought the new budget Period would fit with my Payday but it doesnā€™t.

I get paid on the last working day of the month. This varies depending on weekends obviously. so picking last payment date doesnā€™t work.

It would be great to have a custom period ā€œPick last working dayā€ this can exclude bank holidays too.

Is this not covered by picking 31st then working day before?


Yep it is :blush: works for me.
would be nice to see ā€œlast working dayā€ as a specified option to avoid confusion :blush:



Just seen the latest release to customise Summary. However, my options are monthly or 4 weekly.

My company will be paying me earlier in December on the 14th. So, I have to make this last till 23rd of Jan. Would be cool if the summary could be customised to allow for unusual pay months like December. Would certainly help when you have to make your money go that bit further.


Youā€™re in luck, more flexibility is coming to summary in the future. It may be something they are working on currently.


Currently trying to set budget for the month

It isnā€™t letting me select an exact amount for certain categories :man_shrugging: is there a way around this?

Edit: Iā€™ve solved it, you have to go down to zero then add up to the desired amount , weird

Brief bit of Summary feedback.

Scenario: I donā€™t have enough money in my account to cover my committed spend.

Before I go overdrawn thereā€™s a helpful note below the Summary wheel telling me how much Iā€™m estimated to be short by.

When I go into the overdraft, I just get a note to tell me how much Iā€™m overdrawn by. This is repeating the info on the home screen and taking away the much more important figure of what the total outstanding committed spend is.

Something to look at in the next iteration, hopefully?


Iā€™m not sure if this has already been mentioned, however this feedback is around early paydays which many of us might see around the Christmas period.

An example, someoneā€™s early payday might be on the 21st December, however the usual payday is on the last working day of the month. If you adjust the Summary from the 21st December, Summary will automatically select 21st January as the next payday, even though that person is getting paid on the last working day of the month.

I feel users should be able to set the next payday manually, to allow for a more accurate Summary. This might be useful all year round if people are changing jobs etc.


I left the summary settings unchanged and put the early salary payment into a pot. Scheduled a withdrawal from that pot on the day that payday would fall, job done. Summary now reflects the money available for December and will work properly for January as well (after the scheduled withdrawal).

I think if I was changing jobs Iā€™d setup the expected pay date in summary once I knew it and then there would just be an extra long (or short) summary period leading up to that day.

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I am having this problemā€¦ I usually get paid 24thā€¦ greatā€¦ but got paid today as its the last working day before but Summery isnā€™t smart enough and still thinks ill be paid 23rdā€¦ which is even odder as 23rd is Sunday?!

24th is a working day which is why my summary expects me to be paid then (even though I was paid today).

If your current summary period runs out on 23rd itā€™s expecting you to be paid on 24th still.


Oh true that! :joy: get all confused with my daysā€¦
Although Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the only one who got paid 21st :man_facepalming:t2:

Iā€™m learning so much from the forum at the moment! I had no idea you could schedule withdrawals!! I might start doing this to better control my budget.

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@Jami just want to bring your attention to Summary Notifications as an idea as you think about developing this feature.

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Christmas payday has really messed up my Summary budgets. It would be great to build something in that counters for weird Christmas pay dates