I’m using the iOS upgraded CA app (the blue one) and have noticed there is now a lag in some data and information being shown.
Over time the feed of transactions will be huge. Will this impact the performance and speed of the app? Will there be a way of archiving data and just showing so many weeks or months or years?
Yep. I’ve definitely noticed a significant increase in lag within the app I’m on iPhone 6S, iOS 11.1. I don’t know whether it started before or after upgrading iOS (not helpful). I’m generally finding iOS 11 rather pants on my phone.
I’m on iPhone 6s like you. Since moving to iOS 11 my keyboard keeps crashing, everything is a bit slower, apps take longer to open, and it’s generally annoying. That extra second isn’t time you can use elsewhere, but still frustrating. Tactics to get you to buy the latest phone, lol
That’s the keyword I was getting at but couldn’t remember. I swear they deliberately hold back the quality of the camera so each new phone is a lot better than the last. Having major envy about the iPhone 8 plus portrait mode function. Plus it’s so much faster my friend opens Monzo pretty much instantly
You can tell the speed issue on the iPhone 6 on iOS 11 by just using Siri. Siri loads slow/hangs compared to my old iPhone 4S on iOS 9 which is zippy and has no issues (I am currently using the 2 phones whilst I transfer my number).
Scrolling through the list of transactions is really laggy for me. I would say I am getting to a point when it’s unusable.
Also clicking on the transaction and going to a transaction detail is really slow. It’s definitely caused by the number of my transactions.
I am using Monzo as my main card since the first alpha in December 2015, I top up over £32k already, so you can imagine I have a lot of transactions. I think it’s only a matter of time when other people will have the same issue as me.
The delay happened once accounts were merged.
Lots of online banks limit the amount of transactions. Eventually there will be thousands to scroll through so I think a way of expanding and collapsing transactions into months or years will be necessary.
Just so you know if trying to problem solve I am using Samsung S8, latest software update (last week) no issues at all, quick to open app and use UI. I have several months of transactions and can scroll at normal speed.