We definitely aren’t closing down the forum any time soon.
As some of you know, I look after Monzo Socials around the country. In the last 6 months, we’ve held community events in Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester, Glasgow, London and Brighton.
If there’s one consistent thing that comes up, it’s that people appreciate our approach to community and the forum. They absolutely love that we transparently gather feedback and use it to improve the product. There’s numerous examples of people who were passionate forum members being hired and going on to do amazing things.
What’s even more impressive is the emails and calls I’ve had from other large fintech companies, who are absolutely blown away by what we have here and would like to participate. I don’t need to name names - just check out the Fintech Q&A series
Simply put, any startup or even big established business would move heaven and earth to try and create what we’ve created here. Many have tried, to varying degrees of success. Either community is the backbone of what you do, or it isn’t. If it isn’t, you won’t be able to force it. If it is, you have the opportunity to really build something people actually want to use.
There’s a few things that we need to do here. We probably could do with being more heavy-handed at times to ensure the Code of Conduct is followed. As has been noted, when the atmosphere occasionally gets a bit darker, it’s usually just down to a small group of people. It’s totally fine - and even encouraged - to criticise something if you don’t agree with it, but what’s important is the intention behind it.
If your attention is to help us improve because you appreciate what we’re doing, and you’re able to discuss that in a rational, constructive way? We appreciate that sincerely.
But if your attention is to throw mud, to antagonise people, to deliberately stir the pot… Whether that’s because you prefer another fintech company, or because you have a personal axe to grind against a particular individual here (whether that’s staff members, coral crew, or regulars), or simply because you’re getting your Heath-Ledger-As-The-Joker on and like watching the world burn… Then this isn’t the place for you.
Nah, just multi-tasking as per usual