Setting summary period on Android

I am having issues setting a summary period for my Bills account. I’ve set a payday of the 18th but my Bills pot runs month to month. Despite looking at the help pages around setting the summary period I can’t find a summary tab (Android) or anyway to set this period.

Hi Mark,

If you click on trends at the bottom and then ‘this month’ in the top far right you should see a ‘month resets’ selection half way down your screen, is that what you need?

Unforuynot. That is set ok (to the 18tb) yet the bills pot estimates to the end of the month, rather than the 18th. Clicking on the info icon on the left to pay in the bills pot talks about a summary period, as does the help. Just cannot find this anywhere in the app.

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I can’t replicate this, can you send a screenshot of where you see the left to spend on a pot which shows the end of the month ?

When I click on trends and use the drop down filter at the top to see just the pot it still says the end of month I chose.

If you can screenshot, select your profile in the top left > settings ( settings cog, may be in top right) then privacy and deselect the ‘hide monzo from recent apps’

If you’re still in original layout, tap into your current account, then pie chart button top right which loads the summary screen, here you can amend the date by pressing the period in middle top, and choosing another date.