Security - it doesn't 'feel' secure

FWIW, we only did fingerprint protection for opening the app on iOS because of community requests and still plan to do it on Android, again because of community requests :slight_smile:

If you asked most people here, we felt that locking your phone is the most important thing and we’ll protect making payments etc. of course, but having protection in the app to stop someone who happens to pick up your unlocked phone seeing your Monzo feed is overkill. But feedback from people here and in in-app chat convinced us otherwise :slight_smile:


Some of us still feel that!


Which is why we made it optional :slight_smile:

I really believe we’re building something with everyone’s help here — there are sooo many examples where the community has influenced our decision making, made us change our minds or hugely impacted the product. We’re incredibly grateful for that and I hope that shows through with everything we do. We won’t always be able to do something because some people want it in the community though, unfortunately :frowning: We’d end up never moving forward and building a very confused product.


I think this is really important - Monzo is awesome because they let the community feed into the product and thus the product is really cool and something people actually want to use. However, it isn’t design by committee and ultimately decisions have to be made internally - of course it goes without saying we trust Monzo to make those decisions for the better of the customers! :smiley: (the more cynical might disagree :wink: )

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This is clearly nonsense. The community get input into features, it doesn’t mean that everyone gets every single thing they ask for.

You’ve been told many times that PIN protection is being developed, so why do you keep claiming that it is not?


Totally - I do not want another layer If my phone is protected already -

Andriod comes with option to create Guest profile so if someone has to hand their phone to another person for a call just switch to guest mode (Not sure iOS has this now, when I was using it didn’t)


I used to use the additional touch ID protection because I thought an additional layer of security (idk if it’s security or privacy but don’t @ me, we’ve been over this debate a few times on here) was ~better~ but it only made it slower (not by much, but I want everything fast) and I didn’t really see any use for it. I think it definitely will be necessary for sensitive things like in-app purchases, revealing your PIN, transferring money.

But I totally get that some people might want it so that’s fine. There are some things I don’t use or like in the app and I have asked if it was possible to have an opt in/out option but I think Hugo put it pretty well:

And they went about improving the display for smaller screens so the Pulse graph isn’t obnoxiously big. I think that’s a noted sign that they do take suggestions into account. At this point I don’t know what additional things I can suggest without making the app too cluttered. I think the marketplace is a good idea, but I don’t know how I feel about it offering other things like insurance, other benefits- it should be a bank first so all that should probably wait till everyone is moved over to CAs.


By ‘the community’ do you mean yourself?

:monzo: Monzo are still a business and shouldn’t have to implement every idea, good or otherwise, simply because the ‘the community’ start demanding it be so.


Also, if Monzo have 400,000 customers,the ‘community’ are a very small, probably unrepresentative portion of the customer base.


personally I want it to get in and then don’t want to have to enter it for everything that happens in the app. If I go to do 6 transfers and have to enter my PIN for each one I would hunt down another app without all that hassle

What about if you open the app six times in a row?


No I don’t and no need to get personal.

I have just noticed many ideas suggested by Monzo get supported by all the sycophantic fanboys while other ideas often (not always) get attacked by the strident community members be they ideas I support or be they ideas others suggest that I may personally disagree with. Often ideas not proposed by Monzo and perhaps either being conceptually opposite to Monzo features or being constructive amendments are trodden on as anything constructively critical is just regarded as critical and therefore opposed (by community members not staff…but then staff go along with their baying supporters).

This used to be a constructive and positive community but recent animosity towards competitors such as Starling reflect the trend to quantity of replies rather than quality. By Monzo not commenting to stop the negative comments they are in effect condoning such language and behaviour.


If I open the app 10 times I expect to enter a PIN 10 times

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I wholeheartedly disagree with this statement. I don’t know where you are coming from… :tired_face:

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Could you please give some examples?

And I apologise if the comment I meant to be humourous caused offence.

which one? the one about fans on the community suporting all Monzo features released and planned but pouring cold water on other ideas? or the one about the thread where comments about competitors were unconstructive and negative in such a way as to lower the tone of the community?

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This has not been my experience of this forum at all. As Jamie said, I’d be interested to see some data on this, maybe you could compile a list of suggestions/feedback which were across the board opposed or supported (by these mythical “fanboys”), instead of resulting in a discussion with differing views. I’ve seen a lot of people (myself included) disagree with Monzo’s decision on specific features or design decisions. The value of this forum is that there is robust debate and we can hear from a variety of views.

And with regards specifically to the issue of fingerprint/PIN protection for opening the app, I found the initial discussion interesting, and it improved my understanding of why some people might want it (and I believe I said so at the time). Monzo have also made it clear that fingerprint protection is coming to the Android app. It seems you’re upset that this feature wasn’t top priority and implemented immediately. It might matter a lot to you, but that doesn’t make it the top priority, and if it’s such a problem you can always use other banks. Constantly complaining about it doesn’t add to the discussion or understanding, and it won’t make the feature appear any sooner.


I am not constantly complaining about it. I have not created any new threads on the topic only added my support when other users have commented about it. Just because you don’t want me to support the idea of a PIN protected app does not remove my right to support such a feature demand by others.

Monzo clearly know my oppinion on that subject and about discussions with the ICO. I have a meeting planned with Monzo staff on this issue and see no further need for me to raise the PIN issue in this forum. Any action by the ICO is also on hold pending feedback from the meeting.

You complained to the ICO about the lack of a feature we know is coming? Seems like a waste of lots of people’s time.

It would be more helpful, when other users comment on it, to point them to the fact that this feature is planned, instead of commenting as if it’s been rejected because the fanboy brigade didn’t like it.

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My complaint about the lack of protection of personal and financial data in an app is my right and was a last resort after months of failure of Monzo to incorporate any PIN or password protection. The fact they now taking action to include a fingerprint lock is a positive gesture despite the issues that not all devices have fingertip readers and some people can’t use such technology due to medical impairments.

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