Security - it doesn't 'feel' secure

If Monzo does introduce security features, they had better be using native system APIs and not be some kind of weird custom thing.

The great thing about Monzo is instant access to your balance and feed. As I have previously pointed out this carries little risk, so long as more critical parts of your account are protected.


Hi all,
Iā€™m a bit worried about the lack of security of the monzo appā€¦ It has been raised before but not much seems to have changed:
Basically if somebody gets my phone they can login into monzo using the email app and empty my account onto the monzo card using my saved debit cardā€¦
How can you remove the saved debit card? It really should be entered every time you top up or at least be an option! And i really would like something more secure than an email to log onto the app.
Cheers :slight_smile:


You should secure your phone appropriately :slight_smile:


A phone is now a security device, and should be treated as suchā€¦ if someone got into my phone they could break into most of the accounts I use as itā€™s my primary 2FA device. And they could get into the monzo app, and android/apple pay.

Hence phones should be secured with a fingerprint where available, and failing that a really good passcode.


I have my phone locked with my fingerprint, and on top of that most apps I use require fingerprint authorisation. So to me thatā€™s secure enough. I have a backup pass code but that would only get my phone unlocked and wouldnā€™t unlock the more secure apps, i.e. banking. And before I had an iPhone I just had a password and autolock.


Hi :wave:

Iā€™ve moved your post here to keep all of the discussion about this topic in one place.

Hopefully this will address that -

Click the :arrow_down_small: to view the full post.

This is true. I have remote device wiping so if someone steals it I can remote wipe. It is also disk encrypted and if you get the code wrong 5 times it will automatically wipe :slight_smile:

If somebody got into my phone they could open up the Gmail app and from there compromise pretty much every online account I have going, from Amazon to Zavvi.

Consequently, I keep my phone locked at all times. Anyone gets their hands on it? Good luck figuring out what Iā€™ve locked it with.

Or, to put it another way; my phone security is also the security for my Monzo. I see no need for further security layers on the app - and hope any applied later will be optional. The frictionless use of the Monzo app is a huge part of the appeal for me. I also have an account with First Direct and hardly use their app as itā€™s such a massive pain in the bottom wading through the security bits every time I open it.


I would second this. As I have said before, and is being said again: legacy bank app security makes it hugely difficult to access your financial data. If Monzo were to do something of the same ilk, it would kill the product in all honesty.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Safe to move my salary to Monzo

My monzo app is open all the time.Surely like other banking apps I should have a Pin.




ā€œLMGTFYā€ :wink:

//text for 20


@crablab Iā€™ve actually been told off for using LMGTFY on another forum because it is/was considered passive/aggressive!

1 Like

I donā€™t consider it that because I donā€™t have the faintest idea what it means :wink:


Would I be passive/aggressive to suggest it should be passive-agressive? Or just overly pedantic :wink:


@nobankercol Possibly? Not sure how it should be written but I guess you get my meaning?

I donā€™t know either, just being silly on a quiet afternoon.

I just wondered if youā€™d be able to add a pin code setting so that only the rightful user can use the app.



Take a look here: Security - it doesn't 'feel' secure