(Alex Fagan)
4 October 2017 08:19
Appologies if this has been asked before, but I scrolled for a while and couldn’t see it.
I am wondering if there are any plans to implement some sort of pass-code or fingerprint entry to open the Monzo Bank App?
While I have a code/fingerprint lock on my phone, it would still give me more peace of mind if the app had something between my unlocked phone and all my money
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Yes, a passcode would be great. This has been suggested before so you may find this thread merged with a previous one at some point.
I think your answer might be here?
I’ve only been using mondo for a week now, all low value stuff. However after using lots of mobile banking apps I can’t help but feel this isn’t as secure. Don’t get me wrong I know banks can use passive security measures but having no login, no step up authentication and my pin sitting in my texts can’t help but feel this would be quite easy to breach if someone got their hands on my phone. Thoughts or words of reassurance?
(Alex Fagan)
4 October 2017 08:25
Ah right, thanks guys, glad it’s been raised and hopefully looked at.
There is Touch ID on the IOS version of the monzo app that you can set-up…are you talking about the monzo bank version?
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(Alex Fagan)
4 October 2017 09:08
Monzo Bank version for the current account, on Android
(Alex Sherwood)
4 October 2017 09:22
As Cos has mentioned, Touch ID protection is available for the iOS app. Fingerprint protection’s on it’s way for the Android app.
There has been a huge amount of discussion about this here but if we’ve missed anything, please share your thoughts in this topic -
I signed up for Monzo due to what I have seen on colleagues IOS App. Now I question whether that was wise even during a Beta period.
I don’t understand how any developer for a mobile OS can develop a financial application without ANY security features.
Implementing a simple Pin or Password, Fingerprint Sign on or even JUST the requirement of re-entering the CVV number when depositing - cannot be rocket science.
If it is for your developers, then an app like that should not be released.
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