You know, it’s sunny out there and maybe both of you might benefit from a step outside for a few minutes?
I would love to go outside. I’m cleaning up which is probably why I am commenting so much
Or go on Amazon
I’m not paid to go outside but I am paid to sit at my desk and dawdle
Santander actually did this to someone
It turned out his income had indeed reduced since he made the application
They then paid him £500 compensation and removed it, not before nearly all his other accounts were closed
But still it’s obviously a stupid idea to lie about your salary, because if this guy hadn’t actually been telling the truth he might not ever have gotten rid of the marker
The update/removed post:
I personally find that hard to believe we’re getting the full story but I don’t have industry experience.
I agree. Misstating your income would be an application fraud marker, not misuse of facility.
And even if it was the whole story this will be down to an overzealous employee and not because OP did anything wrong.
They haven’t misstated their income (and they did actually apply for and obtain a product).
Think someone said down the thread 6 is laundering and 3-4 is application fraud or something.
Never really looked into them as haven’t worked closely with them, just know it’s possible.
There was some chat about sky tv dishing them out like sweets for people who’d get sky tv and the first direct debit failing
There needs to be more regulation and oversight of these things; they can ruin people’s lives and institutions can give them out all willy-nilly.
Who doesn’t like a CIFAS Marker as a Sky VIP Reward?
I agree.
It is wild how quick banks react without checking the facts.
A simple click of a button causes so much hassle.
I remember defaulting a credit card once in error, by simply applying the wrong tag.
Fortunately resolved same day and goodwill of balance and then some to apologise, but still, better processes should be in play for these things.
New Santander prize draw. Obviously, with just 1 winner, you are very unlikely to win, but it may just be worth making sure you have £50 in a Santander savings account just in case.
Savings prize draw (
Just closed and opened a new Edge Saver, so that’s covered.
Sae that message a few days ago
Is there a reason why Santander haven’t updated the 123 mini account to Edge Mini? Seems odd that this isn’t some quick change of account name, same as they did with the Edge Student account.
In the grand scheme of it, it really doesn’t matter, but you’d think they’d want a unified Edge brand and move away from 123.
Worked fine for me yesterday.
Never had any issues at all.
Everything has been working perfectly for me.
I felt sick reading that, Santander needs to be fined by CIFAS for the misuse of facility in my opinion, I mean, they are within their right to do this, bur how would saying you earned X amount when he didn’t impact the bank? given that they wern’t taking out credit based on that (which we don’t know) apart from the OD
If they had been abusing then fair enough.
That was a quick turnaround of events.
It goes down to assumed intent.
If you walk into a bank with guns out, then leave without taking any money, would that not warrant consequence?
The banking industry isn’t a gaming platform.
Play with fire and all that.