Safe to move my salary to Monzo

I’ve been using my CA for my salary as soon as I got my card, no problems so far. :slight_smile:

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I’ve had two pay days go into my Monzo CA and there aren’t many better sounds than that higher pitched money-in “ping” notification sound



I’m the first person in the office to know we’ve been paid :stuck_out_tongue:

I seem to be the first to actually be paid too, judging by the annoyed expressions from others after they checked their banks…


Well mine went through :tada::tada: but at 3am - so relieved now.

Most of my financial life is in :monzo: hands, just a couple of DDs to move across and I’m fully in :slight_smile:


Same for me I got my first salary yesterday all good and now with a dozen DDs and couple of SOs I am all in except for 2 DDs which I need to keep until Santander 123 cashback is paid in and then going to get rid of Santander.

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Whilst it must be interesting in Monzo HQ watching how many people sign up for the CA preview, it must be cool watching things like, total cash in per day, total no. of DD’s etc.

Must be rolling in!

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I paid my salary into my Monzo current account yesterday – worked a treat! Really looking forward to going almost “Full Monzo” this month. Maybe I’ll finally get to use the targets feature properly!

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Are the pre-paid accounts being migrated to the CAs? As in are the transactions history being migrated?

That is the plan. There’s a post or two around here from the team confirming it.

Normal user here, My pay went in Friday all fine, and standing order for rent left today (Not sure why not tomorrow as its the first)

While moving my Direct debits over, I found it was best to hold some money in my old Lloyds account “Just in case” I forgot anything, and certain direct debits when I switched them on the phone they did say “It might be too late for us to change it before it comes out for this month” which is fine, But I do have the privilege of keeping some money floating between accounts!


I’m absolutely gutted that wages go in so late compared to other banks!

Heard it’s 2-3am!!

I have immense anxiety about money and being employed on a zero hour basis and getting a payslip after I get paid I’m not going to be able to sleep until 4 am - as I usually can’t sleep until everything is paid!!

With Virgin Money I used to get paid around 10pm, and with Starling I got paid at 00:01 and that was acceptable, it looks like I’ll be leaving Monzo ASAP after all the work transfering everything!


I have no idea what time my wage made its way into my legacy banks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But I can confirm that my wage gets into Monzo around 3am :clock3:

Are you concerned with the timing of any outgoing payments? Or is it all down to knowing that your money has made it safely into the account? :slight_smile: You can rest assured knowing that Monzo is flawless in this regard :grin: not had an issue with my wages since they started coming into my Monzo account last year :sunglasses:


@crandazzo I think it’s in rather poor taste to laugh at Richard’s anxiety.

@Bluecandylover Why not go back to Virgin to have your wages paid in and as part of your bill paying, manually transfer your money over to Monzo? You’d gain five hours on the automated system and still benefit from using your Monzo account.


Unfortunately Virgin doesn’t support transferring money unless you telephone them, you also can only set up a transfer in branch!

I’ll probably end up going back to Starling as they as clockwork paid you at 00:01 and direct debits and standing orders go at 00:31

@j06 Thank you also for also for not laughing, I did see their comment in an email notification.


I would be very surprised if Monzo aren’t crediting the account the “instant” they receive the notification from the sending bank. The reason you may have heard the “2-3am” figure is that they may be when some older/legacy banks actually run their batch processes and push the payments out (which the receiving bank can then handle instantly in the case of Monzo).

If you are actually seeing the 2-3am delay on Monzo and you know you weren’t on your other accounts, could you let Monzo know which sort code (no need for the account number) the payment is being sent FROM so they could track it down.

It might also be the fact that some banks send a notification before they send the money and your other bank accounts are appearing to act on that instruction instead of waiting until the money actually hits (i.e. similar to how Monzo handles card payments - they show the ‘Pending’ debit when they receive notification money is likely to be taken, but it isn’t actually taken until “Authorised” a few days/hours later).


Hey! I work in one of the biggest companies in the sector with thousands of employees - I have never been able to see their sortcodes - when I get paid it just shows the reference and shows the company name.

Typically wages show up as pending the day before (as it showed up in HSBC) and then credited at midnight!

I’ve been with tons of banks before going FINTECH

HSBC: Around midnight
Yorkshire Bank (B Bank): Around midnight
Halifax: Around midnight
Santander: 9:30pm - 11pm - day before
Virgin Money: 9:30pm - 11pm day before
Starling Bank: 00:01 (clockwork each month)

So 3am is definitely down to Monzo!

Maybe it comes in at 2 or 3 AM on the same day it would usually come in at 10PM? If so then that would actually represent an improvement of a sort?

Unfortunately not, the 9:30pm -11pm is actually hours before Monzo

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As I understand for BACS payments (the type of payments often used for salary transfers) your bank should actually know about a credit at least a day in advance, so if BACS is used for your wages, then it certainly seems to be down to Monzo that they only process them at 3am (but I’m far from an expert in the matter).

(If I were to guess, I’d say it might be to protect themselves against Daylight Saving Time changes: Imagine they’d process them at 1.30: Once a year they’d run the risk to process the payment twice, and once a year they’d run the risk of not processing it at all. Running it after the clock change is the lazy way to mitigate that problem. But that’s pure guesswork, and of course they could also just run it between 0:00 and 0:59, or just do it properly, neither of which is difficult, so I may be completely wrong!)

I think NatWest used to credit BACS payments on Saturday, if it was due to be credited over the weekend or Monday. However, they blame PSD2 for a change in that policy.

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[quote=“Bluecandylover, post:58, topic:21781”]I have never been able to see their sortcodes

You should be able to in Monzo - just go to the payment details and it should show something like “Send money to EMPLOYER” followed by the sort code and account number the payment came from.

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