Request payment (friends unable to pay using apple/android pay)

For months now, the request payment link has been working fine. Friends have been able to pay me via apple/android pay by following the link. Last week this process just stopped working, no one was able to pay me via apple/android pay.

Monzo support sent me around in circles telling me to delete/re-install app, remove and re-add my Monzo card to my apple wallet (not sure how any of these steps would make any difference to someone being able to send money to my account using apple/android pay)!

Finally, Monzo told me this morning that the service is currently not available with no further info… Why would they stop this :man_facepalming:t3:. It’s one of the best features, and one that always worked when I was with Starling :tired_face:


Does the link load still, or do they get an error when making a payment? Could it be that you’ve hit your limits on inbound payments?

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They get an error at the pay screen, link works fine. I didn’t know there was a limit? Can it be increased, or is this limit visible somewhere?

If that is the case, why can’t Monzo support just say that? :hear_no_evil:

My monthly inbound limit is ÂŁ1,000 (with both Personal/Premium and Joint accounts) - have you exceeded your monthly limit?

Home → Tap on card → Tap on ‘Manage’ tab under card → scroll down to ‘Limits and allowances’ → scroll down to ‘Inbound’ and check what is left against each inbound type

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I’ve just checked and have over £800 left, so it must be a separate issue. Does anyone else not have this problem currently?


Can they pay you by typing out their card numbers?

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Hi has there been any resolution to this ? I am facing the same issue… the error message being “Sorry, your card was declined.” Customer service is salad being equally unhelpful saying the is not running without giving further details or explanation


Not sure if you’re still getting this issue?

My issue back in September-23 was fixed (although it happened randomly, customer support and complaints never resolved the issue formerly).

However, the last 2 weeks I have experienced the exact same issues again. Going around in circles with customer support which can only be described as ‘next to useless!’. I’m given stock answers, which have nothing to do with the problem, then I’m am told ‘we are passing this to an expert’ or something along them lines (in other words passing the buck to the next useless person).

I don’t know why this affects some Monzo users and not others? It can only be a block on my account. Last time at one stage I was accused of running business activities through my personal account which is utter nonsense, I collect fees for a 5 a side pitch hire once a week. The payment link is so useful (when it works!).

Monzo please sort this out!! :rage::rage:

Hi , yes I’m still facing this issue with no sensible response or help from monzo support. I’ve largely given up and using Starling… even though they’ve also got a cap of 2 transactions per card

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