I’ve been writing a blog for a while and wanted to do a post on Monzo which would include my referral link.
The issue is that when someone clicks on the link my full name is shown on the Monzo landing page.
Is there any way of generating a link that does let shown my name when users click on it? Maybe I’m just being over sensitive but I don’t like the idea of having my name up in lights from referrals that I’m likely not to know.
I could be wrong, but isn’t the idea behind the referral link that you know the person you are referring (rather than simply putting it out there online for randoms to find)?
I’m pretty sure this is correct, and I recall reading that your referral link must be some form of your actual name. So could be your full name, or a short hand for your name, but could not be a nickname or anything like that.
Shit, really? People are selling £5 referrals on eBay?
Ok, fine - some people.
I like to think that I’m providing some value albeit to a completely ridiculous small amount of people. Plus, outside of that, I’d suggest that as long as people are opening up accounts, Monzo aren’t going to particularly mind where they come from … although obviously people from my blog are lovely, high quality/value people