We’re testing a new referral reward 🧪✨

Hi everyone! :wave:

I’m Lisa, part of the Monzo product marketing crew. I work on bringing more people to Monzo through referrals. :tada:
Over the next few weeks, we’re experimenting to see if different rewards inspire more of you to bring your friends to Monzo. A randomly selected group of users will join this little adventure, so some of you might spot a new referral offer featuring a mystery reward of up to £50! :sparkles:

Here’s how it works: You can refer friends whether you’re in the experiment or not. But if you are in the experiment, you and the friends you refer can earn a mystery reward of £10, £20 or £50. They just have to sign up and complete their first payment with Monzo. :money_with_wings:

We’re just testing the waters, so we might tweak or end the experiment at any time. If you get a chance to try it, let us know what you think.

Stay tuned! :rocket:


This plays out terribly for revolut; everyone gets £10.

Just fix it for something worthwhile.

£50 per referral sounds good.


Seconded. I only refer on Revolut when it’s NOT a mystery amount.


All my friends are already on Monzo :sob:


Don’t forget the extra £30 if they sign up to pro!

I do agree, it would be so much better to just have a fixed amount.

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I certainly will, none of my friends are on Monzo except me looking forward to this.

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I reckon I can grab my Mum onto Monzo if this comes to my app! Maybe some friends as well :eyes:

I don’t refer to monzo cuz it’s embarrassing.

I get £5 you get £5. :confounded:

£50 split between two is a night/meal out for many.


What if one doesn’t have friends? :smiling_face_with_tear:


Family? Workmates? And failing that - Reddit strangers…

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I’ve always been cautious on this, as that stranger could carry out alsorts of fraud and come back as a link to you at the bank and have your account closed too.

Maybe that’s me and my fraud head though, I’d like to think the majority have been fine.


Nope :confused:

I’d hope not – you’re recommending the bank to them, not them to the bank. You’re in no way vouching for them.

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What’s your ratio of £10, £20 & £50 going to be?

What are the odds?

It would be nice if you were up front about the odds, showing it on that page in the screenshot. I find it to be very contemptible when organisations aren’t transparent with the associated chances of randomised rewards. I Would rather you made it a flat tenner (beats the current £5) than dangle an elusive £50 carrot in front of folks. That’s the only feedback I have for you.

Referral programs are not for me. If I refer someone to Monzo it’ll be because I like Monzo and believe it is a good fit for the person I’m referring. Not because I get a kickback.


Persuade your enemies to use (and go full) Monzo


Speaking about Revolut, good timing :joy::joy:

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Do you already have a paid plan yourself? I just got the notification too but no mention of the bonus 30.

Just checked and I am in the experiment… shame I don’t have anyone to refer.

“How it works” button shows this

Percentages show as:
1% of customers: £50
5% of customers: £20
94% of customers: £10


Pro is the freelance thing.
But yeah I have ultra with Revolut and the Freelance