Remote Work uk

Hi, How often do you open up opportunities for remote customer service representatives? I see currently you are registering interest.

Thanks in advance

I donā€™t think they have a set agenda, they just hire as and when they need to.

For example, they recently hired a bunch of people because they had a surge in new customers thanks to a TV ad campaign.

Youā€™re best of signing up for notifications on their careers page so it will alert you when new positions open up :slight_smile:

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Oh, I see. Thanks for the reply. They are still recruiting on the agency boards but would prefer to work direct for the company as agency work is not as secure.

Monzo used to recruit remote Customer Service quite often but they put that on hold over the last year or so and have been prioritising hiring for their call centre in Cardiff. At some point they may go back to remote hiring but Iā€™m sure it hasnā€™t been for a while so there is nothing set in stone as @Ordog states.

There have been a lot of remote staff hired in the last year

I thought they only reopened thier listing for remote hiring in June because of Cardiff? And even now it only states they are only allowing expresses of interest.

Thatā€™s interesting. Can you expand on the connection between June and Cardiff? Thanks.

Iā€™ve been following remote working very lightly over the last year as Iā€™m debating a career change but other than Monzo halting the hiring of remote working earlier this year (I found the forum link) to focus on Cardiff.

I donā€™t know much really other than the current listing on the website which I believe popped back around June according to the date on @josh7ā€™s post .

Hopefully, @cookywook or @simonb could elaborate more.

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AFAIK thereā€™s been remote opportunities available at all times in the year that normal COp hiring has been available.

I know about 10 people that have started working for Monzo remotely this year as COps that have been hired at slightly varying periods of the year.


Yep. It was about 3 months ago that I was looking but unfortunately theyā€™ve changed the hours you need to be available so itā€™s a complete non starter now because of childcare
Think it said Cardiff on the ad because thatā€™s where you train but when I read the details it was Cardiff or remote


I start work on 26th August as a remote COp. I understand they have recruited a lot more and the advert was open for at least a month.


Tip @Hook85 if you use your Monzo email it will show your Monzo staff :+1:

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Congrats! :slight_smile:

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That sounds hopeful. Thanks.

@Chapuys Thanks for that.

Cheers Euan! I completed the on boarding process last week, so just waiting on access to email, slack etc :heart_eyes:


I applied back at the beginning of August just before they closed the Remote COPā€™s posting and changed it to expression of interest.

Still waiting to hear anything from it, just a couple of automated thanks for your application emails.

Hopfully Iā€™ll hear something soon! :smiley:

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Hi all,

There is currently a fraud prevention advisor role available which i have experience of. It says on the details its based in London which i live no where near but on the description of the job it says UK remote. Can some please confirm if this is a remote based job or not (canā€™t travel to London). Thanks in advance.

Hi, this is a community for customers and people with an interest in fintech. Nobody will be able to answer, your best bet is to reach out to the contact named in the advert.

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It literally says at near the top of the ad.

Fairly sure a requirement for a fraud prevention role is keen eye for detailā€¦

Customer facing roles donā€™t have the joy of being based in the London office.

Itā€™ll be remote.