Recurring Payments

Yes but Monzo customer operations told me in chat that the only way to cancel them is to get a new card. I hope there will be a better solution for this soon

@SeMond this is from our February Update on whatā€™s coming soon :eyes:

"Weā€™ll also make it possible to edit scheduled payments, so you can change the amount that goes out, the dates it goes out on, and the reference you used ā€“ without having to delete it and start from scratch. "

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Thanks for the reply @Naji

Itā€™s continuous payment authorities I would like addressed though. I can already cancel Direct Debits from within the app so if there is a rogue merchant I can cancel the direct debit and they wonā€™t be able to take more money.

I canā€™t do this with CPAs at the moment and the only way to stop a rogue merchant is to get a new card according to COps. This isnā€™t ideal since I have quite a few CPAs set up and would need to change my card details for every provider which is a hassle and I usually forget a few so the first I know about it is when Spotify stops working (for example).

It also sounds like this isnā€™t a solution since providers can update their records. I assume I would have to specifically request COps to revoke these permissions when I request a new card but this process isnā€™t clear to me and I hope Monzo can make this a lot easier in the future

@SeMond no worries - thanks for the clarity :slightly_smiling_face:

At the moment I can confirm this is the case :disappointed: Thanks for raising this though, itā€™s good to have on the radar as weā€™re continuously looking to improve the way recurring payments can be managed.

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The reason that itā€™s a bit of a faff right now is because we have nothing in our code or app that that can identify a recurring card payment from any individual card payment and we get no additional metadata to assist with this.

So, for example, letā€™s say you pay Spotify via card payment, on the first of every month, as a recurring card payment.

As far as we can tell, it looks the same as if you were literally going on the Spotify website, and making a one off card payment, entering your details every time.

We can reasonably assume that something is a recurring payment if thereā€™s some human intervention (ie, you ask COps to investigate something) but basically, youā€™d have to confirm.

So a solution would likely be to identify which popular merchants generally work on a subscription basis, and then allow the user to mark it as a recurring payment to confirm. Then weā€™d build the list up over time.


If only you had a system to crowdsource merchant data to assist with something like that. :wink:


In all fairness,

This is the same as legacy banks. You have to phone and ask for the payment to be stopped.

BUT. If Monzo could get around thisā€¦ You would be the first to introduce such an amazing system :muscle:

(Maybe for now you could even just add a "cancel future payments option when you click on the transaction detail, for it to send an automated request to the COps to look at?)

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Also a good idea, weā€™d need to build the backend tools. At the moment merchant block requests are still a fairly manual process.

Thatā€™s what I meant though mate, so if you press it, for now it just sends a request to the COps then they can get back to you within the in app chat :sunglasses:

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This would be awesome for me. Ideally I think they should be displayed along with other recurring payments and have a button to cancel.
I was under the impression that the bank can see these authorisations and revoke them individually but Iā€™m not sure anymore

When I worked for Halifax, the department actually used to tell the customer that their was no guarantee it would be canceled, but as they had notified the bank, any payments taken going forward would be refunded straight away.

Never actually saw a company cheeky enough to carry on charging once the back had told them to stop thoughā€¦

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I didnā€™t realise it was such a manual process. Seems like a very inefficient system to me


Nothing was efficient there. But Yeh there is no direct debit guarantee, or a switch guarantee for recurring paymentsā€¦ Although I expect there will be one dayā€¦

However: Generally the stuff people had signed up for that were complicated to cancel, were companies you shouldnā€™t really be signing up with anyway. Even Porn Hub Premium you can cancel directly from their website!

Yeh I went there :man_facepalming:

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@SeMond At some point weā€™ll be hooking into something called the ā€œRecurring Card Payment Cancellation Serviceā€ which should make this a lot easier! :slightly_smiling_face:


:+1: great to know that this is at least possible. Thank you for the info :grin::pray:

You can always do a chargeback if the merchant isnā€™t cooperative and charges your card without your consent. :+1:t2:

Canā€™t cancel a recurring payment.
Canā€™t delete a payee.
Canā€™t manually cancel third-party API access.

Iā€™m noticing a bit of a trend hereā€¦

When you get to one billion users, customer support will be overwhelmed with requests for actions that users canā€™t do themselves

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Canā€™t cancel a recurring payment.

As explained above, recurring card payments are more of a legal/bureaucratic nonsense term rather than anything technical - there is nothing that tells Monzo itā€™s a recurring payment in the payment request sent by the merchant.

Canā€™t delete a payee

At the moment the payee list is purely client-side and generated based on your existing payments from the feed. This is a stop-gap solution until they implement proper server-side payee management.

Canā€™t manually cancel third-party API access.

Agree with you on that one, there are no excuses for not offering it.


ā€˜At some point weā€™ll be hooking into something called the ā€œRecurring Card Payment Cancellation Serviceā€ā€™

It may just be a legal thing but itā€™s definitely a thing as is the fact that your bank must cancel these if requested by the customer.

I donā€™t need to have this right now but I like to know that it will be possible in future. Saying CPAs arenā€™t a thing when there is such a thing as a ā€œRecurring Card Payment Cancellation Serviceā€ seems a bit lazy.

I find it interesting that this info isnā€™t included in the transaction information and I hope to get some more info on how these work at some point but at the end of the day it doesnā€™t really matter how itā€™s done, just that it is.

Monzo is already far better than my other banks and features like these will leave traditional banks in the dust in my opinion :yum:

It may just be a legal thing but itā€™s definitely a thing as is the fact that your bank must cancel these if requested by the customer.

Which it already kind of does by allowing you to chargeback unauthorized transactions.