Reached ATM Withdrawal Limit

Just came back from a night out. Wanted to withdraw £10 form ATm and it says that I reached my limit! How long I need to wait to get access again to the cash?

Do you have a beta prepaid card or the current account preview debit card?

In your app it may show you your limits

Are you on the prepaid card, Artur? :thinking:

If you’ve recently started using your Monzo card then you might find that you’ve hit your daily withdrawal limit; this can be increased with verification. @Naji made a post about limits earlier this year :point_right: New Limits! (here’s a table directly within the terms page:

Your best bet is to give the team a shout via the in-app chat :speech_balloon: They might be able to sort something out for you :+1:

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Yes I am new to monzo. I have only a pre pay card. My friend who recomend me Monzo mention actually that you starting giving peoplw sort codes. Can you please let me know how I can apply?

You can register here for preview access.

We’ll hopefully be making it more widely available to the whole userbase in the next few weeks.