I wish there was a way to turn it off too… I get that it’s a monzo ‘thing’ and a selling point, but ultimately it’s just a way to find out what your historical balance was (because the transactions still don’t have that information), and isn’t needed most of the time.
I too want to turn it off so I can see more of my transaction timeline.
How can I turn off this horrible Pulse graph?
Apart from the fact I will never use the graph (I prefer to scroll down my transaction timeline)
instead of being able to see maybe 9 transactions now you can only see about 4, 5 or 6 (depending on if a date appearing between transactions)
The graph would not have been so bad if you had not scrapped the hamburger menu and added a menu bar across the bottom of the screen
Pulse PLUS bottom menu bar = BIG MISTAKE
what we want to see when we enter the app is our transactions, an account ledger, not silly graphs
Graphs or analysis should be moved elsewhere!
Tear up your design and start again with a blank sheet
Pots have gear icons too. It’s not obvious, then, that the first one is for overall, or account, settings. For me the most prominent item in the first box is my monzo.me URL, so my initial thought was that the particular gear related to mozno.me settings.
It wasn’t until I read this thread that I realised the ‘lost’ burger menu items were there now.
My initial impression is that I don’t see the use of the pulse graph, at least not for me. I can see how it might work for some (if I squint somewhat), but me? I’d rather keep the burger menu and have targets (or whatever form of granular budgeting is replacing targets).
Reasons being;
Burger menu - it’s how Android works. By breaking the paradigm, you’re adding more cognitive load to my use of the app.
Pulse/Targets - Pulse may show me the rate I’m spending, but it doesn’t show me where I’m spending. The latter, for me, is the thing that matters most. Targets would show me where the overspend is so I can identify the problem and work around it more accurately. Accounting for, say, unexpected(ly high) bills is different from accounting for accidental overspending on groceries or entertainment.
tl;dr, having finally experienced the pulse graph for myself, I’m not convinced it’s useful, and don’t think it’s worth breaking the Android experience to accomodate it.
Initially I expected the graph to scroll continously and not month to month. Since I am paid at the end of one month and most of my outgoings are right at the beginning of the next month, I can’t really see both on the graph at once . Am I doing it wrong ?
Spending is being overhauled right now so that it aligns with the current account, it definitely fitted the purpose of a prepaid card better.
From what I’ve seen that should be more helpful to you when that is finalised according to what you want. ie where money has gone.
I’m personally undecided on the Pulse, myself.
I saw your conversation as it’s been passed onto the product team.
I would agree it’s prettttty large for your screen. It feels the right size on an s8.
Out of interest, can it be toggled off on iOS? I don’t even know.
There’s no toggle on iOS and we don’t plan on enabling one for either platform.
As per Hugo’s post here, future updates will rely on being able to feed into Pulse. Having the option to disable it would cause further problems with having to design separate UI elements for every feature feeding into Pulse.
Such as? I’m interested to know what’s coming.
I don’t have pulse yet but reading the comments, I’m not in any rush. Pulse seems to be a solution to a problem I don’t have. I’ll wait and see how I feel about it when I get it but I’ve a sinking feeling of resignation, expecting to share the views someothers have articulated. The beauty of Monzo so far, for me, has been how much easier it makes a lot of things, but a move to a more iOS-like interface and the lack of screen real estate due to pulse will probably just make things less easy for me, UX workflow wise, by introducing friction that wasn’t there before.
However, if you can fire of a list of cool upcoming features that make pulse worth putting up with, then that might inspire a sense of positive adoption.
Until they remove the “Monzo Current Account” app from Google Play Store you can install that alongside the “Monzo (beta)” app. That enables you to view the transaction list without the dreaded Pulse graph.
Good to know, thanks.
My Pulses
My pulse opinions based on the last 3 months:
- top has some use, the bump was a big night out, but the new spending pie will be more helpful to point out the impact of that night
- middle is ~, the left spike is distracting (it’s holiday money shifted into a pot) and it’d be helpful to resize the pulse to the holiday (next set of spikes)
- bottom is a typical month if I don’t spend on big things; as someone who doesn’t have bills go through monzo, it may detract from the benefit?
I like the Pulse graph - it looks good on my S8.
But I don’t like how Android design conventions have been broken. Why can’t the hamburger menu just go on the right hand side, like in the Nationwide app?
Imagine if you’d suddenly removed the bottom menu bar that’d been there since time immemorial from iOS in a popular iOS app and just given them the hamburger menu? That’s what this feels like to Android users. It’s disorienting and kind of feels inconsiderate.
and some other apps too. This gets my vote.
See this for me is my one gripe with Monzo (Apple pay too but there we go ). I do not find the pulse graph useful in any way shape or form. It takes up a large amount of the screen and doesn’t actually tell me any information I don’t already know. With 3 DD and a modest monthly spend I wont ever (hopefully) get close to an overdraft or sub £200 in my account. Also I already know the dates my DD’s go out of my account so really the graph serves no purpose for me :(.
Nor me, but I can see that it could be really useful for others if it had its own screen. It’s just too small on the spending screen.
I agree with you. It seems to me (just my opinion) that this feature has had a lot of feedback from users e.g. too large on small screens, lack of use, suggested toggle, separate screen etc but Monzo have a vision for it and don’t really want to deviate from it regardless of suggestions (just my opinion and happy to be proved wrong). Hopefully with some more updates it can be useful to more people but I personally can never see how it’ll be useful to me
I like the pulse. Makes it easy to jump to any date plus I can see what my balance and spend was for any day in the past. I am looking forward to more functuality since it’s a little bare at the moment but I’m interested to see what Monzo will do do with it
Having used the pulse on my girlfriend’s iPhone on the pre-paid, this was always one thing for which I was glad not to have iOS/Android parity
I too do not find Pulse of much use, just taking up screen space that could be used for displaying more transactions. I can understand that it may be of use to others. Is it not possible to hide its display but keep it running in the backgrouund if other future developments will need to make use of it
I think pulse would be much more useful if it’s prediction was better. Showing my direct debits coming out in advance and my pay coming in would really help.
I understand Monzo don’t know exactly when direct debits will happen but I think there could be a design notation to make it clear it’s not a guarantee…
I get paid every 4 weeks so I’m not holding out much hope for prediction on that…