I have been Monzo Premium customer for a while. I have been shouting about them wherever and whenever possibl as i found the app very easy to use and i felt like i had a control over everything until i needed Signed and stamped bank statements for my wifes spouse visa application. On 18th i found out that my online printed statements were rejected by Home office and i should provide signed and stamped copied of those statements. So,I’ve got in touch with Monzo in the app and ordered those statements. I have also asked if they could be sent as registered post or courier for an additional fee. I was told that that wasn’t an option. Nothing came trough post until today (28th). While i am getting frustrated by the fact that home office is about to reject my visa application for my wife due to statement, i have got in touch with Monzo in app chat team and see what happened to existing ones ordered and if replacements could be sent with registered post or courier at additional cost to me. My questions got ignored and i got told by the rep that i would get my new statements in the post with in next 3-5 working days with a smiley face at the end. No sympathy to my issue. I am about to lose my application fee to Home office and solicitors fee. Saying that i am disappointed does not do any justice to how i feel…
7 working days, when there’s been postal strikes at the busiest time of year doesn’t seem that bad to me. They’ve said in the post in 3-5 days, so the originals might have only just been posted.
I understand it’s stressful and worrying for you, but you should be chasing for an extension. Do they make it clear you needed printed/stamped documents?
Does the Home Office state you need signed and dated bank statements on its application
If not then really they are the cause of the additional stress. If they do and you’ve missed this bit / solicitors missed it, then the blame goes towards yourself.
As Revels mentions there’s been postal strikes which will have impacted on things getting to customers in time.
So I looked up the information which is provided in Appendix FM 1.7: financial requirement
It’s pretty clear on what’s required, I can sympathise with the situation you’re now in. However it shouldn’t have come as a surprise
Bank statements must be on official bank stationery. Alternatively, electronic bank
statements can also be accepted for all bank accounts (the account itself does not
have to be exclusively online) as long as they are either accompanied by a letter
from the bank on its headed stationery confirming that the documents are authentic
or which bear the official stamp of the issuing bank on every page.The bank statements must cover the specified periods as described in the
Immigration Rules for each of the sources of income relied upon.
Use immigration lawyer to get all documents in order ahead of submitting applications. There are a lot of similar complexities. If application is rejected, do appeal on the exceptional circumstances grounds. I.e. postal strikes.
Well it is now 20 days over ordering statements first time and 10 days since i have ordered 2nd time. Apart from Monzo all my mail orders and posts turned up. I am also finding it really bizarre that Monzo is not offering a corrier service for an additonal charge of lets say for 20 pounds to send statements trough as an option… I have spoken to my local post man to keep an eye on the statements. just in case.
I finally received the statements i have ordered on 28th of november (2nd time) and they are not signed. To be honest i wouldn’t be ranting about this issue this much if the chat agent who dealt with my issue was a bit more enthusiastic and showed that she cared about my issue. I am speechless. I feel i am stuck …
It’s a shame you don’t have starling as you can get certified statements straight from app along with a letter confirming the account