Would love to get pots roundup functionality on direct debits.
For example when my £14.99 direct debit for Spotify Family comes out each month I’d love the 1p to go to my pot. My bank account balance is normally £x.00 as my debit card transactions are rounded up to the nearest pound with round up. Then direct debits hit and mess it all up.
I’m sure it does that already as I know mine rounds it up to £10 with Spotify and a few other subscriptions I have at least direct debits is a bit different as they could vary each time.
It does for card payments, but not for Direct Debits - hence the request. Doubt it would take much for Monzo to implement this given they have it working on card payments already.
Good suggestion. I was only thinking about this earlier. I would like this too, but I’d like this round up feature to be more reliable first.
My monthly iTunes payment went out today and didn’t roundup, but my nowtv payment did. They’re both card transactions, Monzo knows they’re repeating payments, so as far as I can see there’s no difference and should work the same.
Would also be nice to have the bugs fixed around displaying this credit to pot balance.
This definitely needs to happen! My bank balance looks dirty with all them pennies in it, I’m so use to it being £xxx.00 all the time now and when I see pennies in my balance it really does my head in
I’d quite like the option to round up all debits from my account, anything that takes money out should be rounded except manual payments(would be nice to have a button on these individually)
This is a much-needed feature, I know it does it for physical card use but it would be great for Direct Debits and Card Subscriptions like Netflix, Amazon, Audible…
It would be really good if direct debits could be rounded up. The roundup feature is great for everyday spending online and by card but having those annoying pennies in my balance after DD payment is hurting my eyes! Please add this feature!