Pot showing incorrect amount to withdraw after salary sort

For pots that my salary auto sorted on Thurs the amount is correct when viewing the pot but when I attempt to withdraw money the amount available is incorrect and is missing the amount that went in on my salary sort

1.sort salary into pot by x amount. 2. try to withdraw from pot. pot is showing x amount less than it should have.3. look at pot outside withdraw screen. pot is showing correct amount.
iphone 13 mini*
App Version:5.17.0


as a result the ui wont let me empty the pot. So some of the money will be trapped in there. eg Pot had £9. Salary sort bumped it to £19. Can only withdraw £9 max. I cant get to the other £10.

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Is it a savings pot that’s held with one of the other providers?
Those need to keep £10 in to stay open, you can close them to get the last £10 out.

If you’re using the new labs UI it can take a minute to catch up. Force close the app and it’ll work.

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No just a standard pot. :ok_hand:I have several that auto sorted this month. Ones that were zero prior to sort topping then up I now can’t take out anything. The amounts the sort put into each pot vary some greater than £10, but they are all the same in that the value x i put in each is not available to withdraw.

thanks for that :ok_hand: I forgot I was using the labs ui. the force close worked after I disabled the labs ui :+1:

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Looks like they’re already on the case. A fix for this was released to the TestFlight app last night which should get a general release any moment now.

Thats great news nice one :+1: