Lost Pots and issues with Get Paid Early (26/9)

I just did the request to get paid salary early and now all pots have disappeared

Same here. All pots gone and no early cash :thinking:

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I’m having issues adding to pots after getting paid early. Salary Sorter didn’t work.

Having the same issue with salary sorter. Moved money to one of my pots and it’s showing in feed as moved but it’s not in my pot.

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No salary sorter and my savings have just vanished

Are you on the ‘new navigation’ (with horizontal swiping cards) or the older navigation (with pulse graph at the top)?


I have the same problem - in app chat is also really really slow.

The new navigation.

New. Savings have just gone!

Force close/stop the app and re-open it - are they back?

Yes done that - that doesn’t fix it

doesn’t work, pots are still gone

Now my pending salary has gone too - this is getting quite a bit concerning.

Concerning to say the least! What about the usual uninstall the app, restart the phone, download&install, run & login - are they now back?

Same boat, my pots have gone. I am on the swipe cards navigation

my salary have just gone in, but the my savings are not back, still missing

I got new update, salary displayed now but no pots after restarting

Same as you then mate :woozy_face:

My pots have just gone, and I need to move some money to my account ASAP! What do I do?