[Poll] How do you feel about (browser) cookie banners? đŸȘ

Hello Community, we’ve got a quick question for you

Cookie banners! Those wordy banners that pop-up when you visit a website for the first time. They look something like this -


If you’re like me, you’re probably immune to them by now, and close them without thinking too much.

We use cookies across Monzo webpages (you can read our cookie policy here). So we’re interested in what people think about these banners.

So, tell us: how do you feel about them?

Cast your vote below :ballot_box:


  • They’re useful, and I don’t mind them.
  • They’re useless, but I don’t mind them.
  • They’re useless, and I do mind them.
  • I have mixed feelings about them (explain in the replies)

0 voters

Banners annoy me, they are usually another click to access the content and sometimes they feel like a ‘paywall’.

If you go into the ‘settings’ and say you don’t want cookies, do they store a cookie to say you don’t want them? or do you then have the bar pop-up on every page you visit? :stuck_out_tongue:

http://www.bluekai.com/registry/ is quite interesting to see what Oracle’s cookies have collected about you.

To me (and I feel strongly about privacy and informing customers of what you are doing with their data) these banners are the most stupid, pointless, ridiculous nonsense ever to come out of any privacy law/regulations

The BBC one is reasonably OK, though. I visited a site recently (forgot which) which had the banner take up 2/3 of my screen space. On desktop!! They had crammed half their privacy policy in there.

Yes, they do - not much of an alternative here 

PS: I don’t just “mind” them, I hate them with a passion!


“They’re a legal requirement IIRC created by legislators who neither understand the technical issues nor that it’s counter-productive to require that users be presented with endless banners that they will just click away reflexively, and I don’t like them, but would prefer that a ‘pre-agree’ solution such as CookiesOK was more widely known, supported, maintained, built into browsers, implemented server-side etc. etc.”


They are completely useless as the site is already telling me whether they use cookies by asking my browser to store cookies, and browsers can be made to display that if there was enough demand for it, but the truth is, there is not; most users don’t care, and the ones that do will configure their browser to reject cookies straight away.

The worst are the ones that allow me to “choose” which cookies I want, and promise to respect my choice - If I don’t want your cookies I’m not going to ask you nicely (because that never works anyway), I’m going to tell my browser to reject your cookies directly, so that way I don’t have to trust your site and 10+ different analytics/trackers to actually honor my choice.

Article 5-3: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32002L0058:EN:HTML

A classic example of low-quality EU regulation created by bureaucrats with little understanding of technology or human behaviour.

Dismissing these warnings desensitises users to important warnings - so the EU cookie law isn’t just stupid, it’s actually harmful.


To be fair, our current home government seem to at a loss to understanding basic facts of mathematics (cryptography in particular) so no body is perfect. Let’s keep this topic on cookie banners and not why they exist? :blush:


As a professional web developer they annoy me to no end, complete misunderstanding of what cookies actually do
 really don’t need to be declared, but hey ho.

It’s been a little while since I researched the subject, so I may be wrong however I believe a banner is required, however it doesn’t have to accept anything (I believe law in belguim specifically declares cookies have to be accepted before they can be used) and is just a simple declaration of “Hey, we use cookies”, and has to link to a privacy policy page, on this page the cookie names, and their reasons are declared.

A perfect example (And a “Standard” we use at work) is as such: https://cookieconsent.insites.com/download/

Small, not in your face. The BBC popup is particularly bad! Wayyyyy too much information going on there!


Thanks for the votes/replies, everyone! We’ve got a pretty good idea of how ya’ll feel :slight_smile:

I absolutely totally detest them and would love to find the politician that came up with the idea and give them a hard slap


One of the main pressures on them to introduce it was from UK bureaucrats and politicians. Bet they will be glad to see the back of us.

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The worse sites are ones designed for desktops where the banner is OK on PC but on a phone takes up all screen and you can’t move it to get to the button to get rid of it :rage:


I hate them, but they’re required by law :frowning:

Back when I was still fun, I had a really long and silly notice on my site for them, basically saying that if you don’t agree to cookies, leave, never return, and then uninstall your browser. Pretty much any site that isn’t static HTML needs cookies to function
 I don’t see the point in requiring a stupid notice about it.


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Every government and political group - EVERY one - can make stupid laws around new technologies they don’t understand. The sooner the cookie banner law is repealed, the better.