Hello! We’d like to pick your collective brain, if that’s ok
One of the items on our making Monzo better list is a PIN lock for the app for extra privacy:
But there’s problems with using a PIN to unlock the app. And it means we’ll have to make a compromise somewhere.
Option one: using the same PIN as your Monzo card
The problem here is that we can’t store your PIN anywhere on your device, so checking that you’ve entered the correct PIN would involve having to check with our servers. As a consequence, you wouldn’t be able to unlock the app offline.
Option two: using a different PIN
We could make you create a new PIN in some way - perhaps by making the PIN unlock code six characters, rather than four. But making people have to remember another code isn’t ideal. And it’s all too tempting just to keep your same PIN anyway and add something extra on the end, eg. xxxx00
Option three: something else
There’s also the possibility that we could approach the problem in an entirely different way, of course. Could your unlock code be a series of emojis that only you knew? Or, could it be a selection of colours? We’re open to new ideas too!
We’re leaning towards option two.
But we want to know what you think.
So, vote below and let us know what you think! We’re not committing to the outcome of this poll, but we’ll use it to help steer our thinking on this tricky issue
- Same PIN. But no offline access
- Offline access. But a longer, different PIN.
- Alternative PIN option
0 voters