[Poll] Help us make a decision on PIN unlocking! ✍️

Just thought it would be helpful to summarise what’s left to do (and what we think we know about their deadlines):

  • PIN Lock
  • Ability to categorise Direct Debits
  • 3D Secure (Next week in Labs?)
  • Interest on Saving Pot (Another month out maybe?)
  • IBAN (Missed deadline known - approx 2-3 months out)

I can already do this on IOS. I set it once when the first payment comes through and I never touch it again.

We’re off topic I know :wink: but you can also do that on Android. Is this going to be another one of those situations like storing references against payees… :man_shrugging:

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I was hoping this meant you’d be able to categorise Direct Debits from the Scheduled Payments screen by clicking on the Direct Debit whenever you wanted (In the same way you can cancel them).


Thanks to everyone who voted in this poll!

Here’s an update on where we’re at with this feature, and why we’re missing our Big List deadline.

Closing this thread for now. Let’s carry on the discussion here!