Fingerprint is definitely the easiest way.
Emoji kind of pin is terrible! I had 1 app that used it (Payfriendz) and because I didn’t use much, it was a massive pain to remember… It’s just not a natural way to have a password. Surely some people are more visual, but that shouldn’t be to the detriment of the good old PIN made.with numbers. Just 1 more to remember on top of the other 500 passwords won’t be a big issue.
Isn’t the issue here then that your PIN is stored on the phone? With the assumption that most people would choose the same PIN as the one for their card.
Voice recognition, it’s a phone! File can be kept in device. Sorted😊
This has been mentioned many times now and is very possible to do but for some reason not one of the options to vote on
@cookywook is there a reason for this being discounted? It would get my vote.
We’re not discounting it, and we’re open to all options
This suggestion would come under option 3: an alternative PIN option
I’m not sure why there’s a vote on this?
Surely it’s just a case of using the suggestion from @billinghamj or implementing a PIN unlock where the user chooses a PIN?
Why is there a discussion on whether it’s the same as the card or not? Just leave it up to the user, rather than coding it in.
Hopefully nothing will be forced on end users. A user choice to turn on/off whatever pin option is chosen by Monzo I think would be ideal.
This will of course remain an option. This is opt-in, for people that have requested this additional feature, not something you are forced into using.
Definitely but I’m just thinking from a risk point of view. Many people may not realise that by enabling it they’re actually creating another chance to expose their PIN.
Just like how many people don’t realise the low value contactless CVM waiver actually prevents large value fraud by vastly reducing chances to steal your PIN.
Im tempted to vote for option 2 but it means a second pin or a longer 1, option 1 would be ok, just depends where the pin would be stored, not keen on option 3, maybe a pattern could be an option.
Can we not have Option 2 but if they try to enter a password that includes their PIN, they get a message telling them it has to be different?
Users will need to be online to create the password in the first place, so the PIN can easily be retrieved.
I agree with others that if you want an extra password it’d be weird to be annoyed that it’s not allowed to be the same as your PIN. I’d never want my PIN to be used for something as frequent/public as unlocking an app. I often open the app in shops/queues where there are people directly behind or around me.
I also think a pattern might be a good shout - different enough from a pin that people won’t get confused, but easier to remember than a string of emoji.
Give automatic access, but require a pin to access secure features. So you can see your feed transaction free, but to see anything else you need a pin
I think currently they’re discussing additional methods for devices that don’t have Touch ID or people who can’t use Touch ID. Additional privacy options. Stuff like paying someone else or using Apple Pay will always need a PIN/ Touch ID if you want to access the app itself without any passwords, you don’t have to enable the option.
I’m itching for this feature. Fingerprint unlock really ain’t enough. All my other bank apps use a 5-8 digit PIN which needs to be entered every time you open the app ,even from recent apps. Would feel much more comfortable with this feature. Offline and longer FTW
My partners phone has no fingerprint so she logs in/out every time as otherwise it’s a one tap access.
Would be interesting to hear from Monzo if there has been an update on this?
To be fair… This is one of the reasons I use Monzo.
I don’t even have Face ID switched on for the app - If someone has my phone (unlocked), my debit card pin number (which you’d need to do anything within the Monzo app), then I think it’s safe to say I’m in trouble (unless I can get to a website and freeze the card).
I think this “extra layer of security” is more about the users being used to it from the overly sensitive legacy banks, than actually making a meaningful difference.
Note - For those without FaceID/TouchID, having something to lock the app with is a must - I hadn’t actually realised this wasn’t possible (even though I wouldn’t use it).
Guess thats where we differ. I just prefer having that extra layer as I don’t trust fingerprint wholly and am someone who has no issue remembering PINs/prefer the action over fingerprint.
Like anything though- prefer having options than none at all.
I mainly agree with this - Especially if there is no real need to divert development time, or maintain an old feature for the sake of “options” (I’m thinking along the lines of old OS’s).
The deadline for the big list is next week so fingers crossed it’s in next weeks release!
I think I read somewhere some items may slip past the deadline