'Phasing out' smoking?

So, just something completely different and I’d be interested in people’s thought on this.

It looks like New Zealand is going to bring in a law to ban smoking for anyone born in 2008 or later. Not just your usual ‘you can smoke after you’re 16/18’ but literally - if you’re born after that date, at no point will be it legal for you to buy cigarettes. The idea being that smokers will, literally, just ‘die off’’.

Do you think this will work? Could it be a template for other countries to follow? Or is it a massive assault on people’s rights? Also, how practical is this? Would tourists be exempt?

btw - I’m a non-smoker myself, so I don’t actually have an opinion either way - just interested in what people think of this and if this is something other countries should consider?

It’s a bold plan and I wish them the best with it.

Plenty of people say that if tobacco (and alcohol) were invented now, they’d be an illegal drug. It’s almost an accident of history that tobacco has been legal for this long, and I rather wish more countries would be bold enough to find ways of outlawing it.


I’m constantly trying to quit but after so long I end up going to the shop and buying some. Repeat to infinity.

I wish they’d just ban them and take temptation away

I like the NZ plan but they’ll just get someone older to buy them or black market ciggies. It’s a good start though

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This is at least a consistent policy. Smoking is significantly more harmful than many illegal recreational drugs, so if they’re illegal, smoking might as well be.

My preferred solution would be a reduction in the number of illegal substances, not an increase, but again, it’s hard to fault the logic here.


I think it’s a good idea, it won’t stop people buying them “illegally” or someone older buying them for them but it’s a good start to getting rid of smoking.

I smoked for 10 years before I managed to quit, the temptation is still there even to this day.

I can’t stand smoking, but I still believe in people’s right to choose, provided they’re not inflicting their smoke on others.


They are also reducing the amount of nicotine in cigerettes and reducing the number of places that can sell them.

I think it will definitely reduce smoking further there and they are on their way to phasing it out entirely. Once that happens, honestly I don’t think anyone will look back.

As smoking does impact those around you, I agree with it. Non-smokers shouldn’t have our health impacted because those around us smoke.

It’d be hugely hugely interesting to see what impact this has on their healthcare industry etc over the next many many years.

It’s a bold choice, but it’s good to see the decision being made, it’s not something that’s surprising really…

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As a smoker I generally dislike it (sounds ridiculous I know) but kicking the actual habit I find difficult.

It’s stress relief and with work and the pandemic non stop I didn’t wanna risk the breakdown.

Though new year, it’ll be new house; new location; new job :rocket:; new ps5; so why not a new me :man_shrugging:t3::joy:


I’m all for this. We don’t have a right to smoke, not sure where that came from. It’s not a human right last time I checked.

Smoking is bad for you, it’s bad for people around you, it’s bad for the health service. There isn’t a positive to it.

Good luck to them I say. At least this is a middle ground rather than outright banning them.


Has anyone tried to transition to vaping as either a replacement or a stepping stone to quitting entirely?

It had been proven that nicotine increase stress levels. You could make analogy with smoking to to wearing shoes two sizes smaller only to have a relief when you take them off. If you would wear normal shoes, you would not have the pain in the first place.

Using nicotine in any other form vaping like gums, tables, vaping etc. makes it only more difficult to actually stop.

I smoked last time around 14 months ago. Before, I tried to stop many times and was also “on and off” for long periods.
The thing that worked for me in the end was Allen Carr’s Easyway seminar. It’s around £300 and they do it via zoom as well. I know it’s lot of money, but with the price of tobacco, it’s going to pay itself. If it doesn’t work for you and you start smoking again, they will refund you the money.

I do like the idea , also I think it was Australia which increases the price of cigs each year so it’s less and less tempting and hoping that younger people don’t get into it due to cost.

A mixture of the two would be great.

With vaping I know lots of people who keep puffing at it all day, so they’re getting a lot more nicotine than if you were smoking

Nicotine lozenges work for me. Easier to keep track of how much you’re taking and stops the horrible side effects of cold turkey

We don’t have a human right to a lot of things so probably not the right bar to use.

Not much of a middle ground if you’re affected by the outright ban :man_shrugging:

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Ahhh my follow up question was if those who have tried vaping have done so through a cessation service?

A lot of companies just sell the kits and liquid but offer no advice, guidance or support on choosing/using them.

Just buy them at the shop

I know chemists do the cessation stuff but not sure what products they have and they’re all a bit busy with vaccines

Anyone have any idea how much tax it brings in vs smoking related healthcare costs in NZ?

It is a bold move, I hope other countries follow.