PayPoint Shops don’t know how to process cash deposits

I am a paypoint retailer and I am going to try help by explaining a few facts.
Firstly I have never had any notification regarding Monzo payments however using paypoint isn’t rocket science and most things can be dealt with fairly quickly and easily. There are 2 types of PP machine, I can only speak of the older yellow box style.
Firstly our machine costs £10 month (£10 week if iPad type of machine)
Retailer commission is capped at 10p per transaction.
Business bank fees are 70p per £100
Hopefully this will explain why a lot of PP retailers really don’t want to take this type of transaction. I would love to know how much Monzo are being charged by PP as retailers are being fleeced.
So if you come in to the shop and want to pay £100 onto your Monzo, I get 10p commission but I am charged 70p by my bank for depositing the cash. (I need to stay in business)
Over 90% of my PP customers do not purchase anything in the store, so no way to cover the costs here. I am really not surprised by the fact that customers are being told these type of transactions ‘don’t work’ especially in small independent shops, we simply can’t afford to take these payments.