Payee name not matching

When a friend tried to pay me by bank transfer they used my details I copied from the account info page which uses my legal name. That failed. They then used my nickname (which is what’s printed on my card) and that worked. Suggest you update either your systems to share / accept the correct name when the other bank checks it or you update the ‘share back details’ info to show card name instead.

Bobby, you may recall that this is a community forum, not Monzo Bank itself.

We have no systems to update.

Perhaps contact Monzo in-app and make that suggestion.

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Ah ok. Sorry my bad. I thought they’d peruse and notice. Where is the feedback in app area. All I could find was live chat (I was on hold for 50mins last time) and FAQs…

How do you have a nickname printed on your card?

Contact support and have them add your ‘preferred’ name. There’s some rules and it needs to be within reason. Robert → Rob would be fine, going from Robert → Superman or something else silly wouldn’t be approved I think.

By telling Monzo what your preferred name is

There is no live chat. There is chat, where you can submit a question and someone will come back to you, but it’s not meant to be “live” as such.

There’s no need to be sat waiting around either. Carry on with the rest of your day and you’ll receive a notification when they’ve picked it up :raised_hands: