Details don’t match

I’m having trouble with a payee’s details, in that it says details don’t match. I’ve double checked and all details are exactly as on account/card but still states not matching.
I know I can continue and do, but wondered if anyone else has experienced this?

Have you asked the payee what exactly does their name appear like on their account? E.g. they might have a middle name or initial, or spell any part of their name differently.

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Nobody here is going to know why they don’t match.

You can either keep going if you trust them or you can check with them. Those are your two options.

If it’s a lot of money and you know the payee, send a small amount, verify they have it then send the rest?

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Are they a politically exposed person, or have they simply opted out of confirmation of payee? They’ll never match in this case.

You can always try proceeding with just a penny first to see if it goes through.

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Thanks, I have checked and all is exact.

Hi Revels, I was just wanting to know if anyone had similar.
I know that some accounts cannot be cross-checked so wondered if anyone else was experiencing this too.

I’ve not experienced this, unless I’ve accidentally mistyped a letter or number in the details and then the app tells me I’m an idiot (in a nice way)

I’ve experienced it.

There is also the chance that the person you’re paying believes it is correct, but it isn’t.

If you’re confident, just proceed.

It happens occasionally. I haven’t seen it with Monzo, but other banks.

Yes, I’ve had details not match.

I paid them anyway.

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This happened with my gardener. She swore that the details were correct so I asked her to pay me £1 so that I could see what her details actually were. Turned out that she’d renamed her business a few years ago but never updated her bank details.

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That was my first thought tbh, they were most upset when I asked them to double check :rofl:

This happens all the time when I’m paying tradies, people from work with HSBC

They’ll be

Mr Boaty McBoatface

But I know them as

Boat McBoatface

So COP will never work in that instance, but it’s fine because I know it’s right.

Not really enough to worry about since if you’re really unsure, just ask them once and save them as a payee for the future :slight_smile:

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