I have a pot which i’m always dipping into (as i’m bad at controlling my spending) I went to lock my pot with a password thinking that that was an option we Monzo has and realised they didn’t. You can lock a pot but also can unlock just as easy, so i was thinking being able
to set a numerical password would help this. I was going to get my mum to write a password and not tell me so that way if i wanted to dip into the pot i couldn’t without her telling me the password. Just an idea let me know what you think
They used to have locked pots that you couldn’t unlock before the set date without contacting support
So many people contacted support that they had to scrap that
Unfortunately I think your idea would increase people contacting support because they would have forgotten their password/passcode
Understandable, people forget passwords all the time. Maybe instead of having to talk to someone you can go through a reset link like when you do when you forget your email password but to make it more secure you have to go through a bunch of security questions?
Perhaps the best option right now would be to put the money in one of the easy access savings provider pots.
That way I think there would be a 24 hour delay in withdrawing, which could act as a bit of a stop on impulse withdrawals?
There was an idea a while ago where you’d have to tap a button 1,000 times to unlock the pot I still really like this idea!
“I can’t unlock my pot because I broke the screen after 826 taps”
Can I sue for repetitive strain
Good thing we never did this then