
Boris is borising up the place…



Ye the rate is pretty bad atm

I may get busier at work though, currently having a week off as there is nothing useful for me to do.

Do you work on the Brexit negotiation team?

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Manufacture industrial electronic products, we always get orders from China, Canada and the middle east when the pound flops. Our UK customers sometimes get extra orders too and our work picks up due to that.


I was going to say at least brexit won’t impact on exports there but I think we use EU arranged export agreements

Exporting to EU countries is currently very easy, linked with business EU VAT numbers. After leaving the EU, new export paperwork and import processing procedures will be needed for UK to ship goods to an EU member territory.

I was thinking more non EU countries. Aren’t most of our world trade agreements done via the EU so they’ll all need to be renegotiated?

I don’t like to talk politics…but somehow i don’t believe Boris is going to do any good…
There is no way you could take that guy seriously for some reason…dunno if those are the looks or something.

Guess what urban dictionary thinks about Boris…
It’s a joke. Don’t take it seriously :smiley:


Yes. We’re part of the EU now and are therefore under the ‘EU export/import umbrella’. When we leave, we’ll have to negotiate our own.
Trump has said we’ll get a good agreement though, so all OK there.


Phew. And he’s well know for being honest about everything and not throwing his toys out of the pram, so it’s all good

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EU and USA were talking trade deal without (almost) tariffs since more than 10 years ago.
I don’t believe that UK and USA talks are going to be any better…

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I’m suddenly glad I went half board on this years holiday. Otherwise breakfast and evening meals would have gotten quite expensive…

Didn’t want to create a new thread. Not sure if this is being discussed somewhere else already.

Not sure what’s to discuss. The fact that the Daily Mail thinks having a lying law breaker as PM is OK as long as there’s a war on somewhere, or whether we should be on team Johnny or team Amber.


I meant just partygate in general.

Surely we wouldn’t want to ditch our leader in the middle of a war (which we’re not involved in)?!.

It’s not like it worked out in the first and second World Wars :man_shrugging:.

I didn’t lose too much sleep over the original partygate stuff but the way he’s dealt with this has been pretty shabby

No rules were broken … no parties … I wasn’t aware of any rule breaking … wait for the sue gray report … I’m sorry I broke the law … now’s not the time to resign.

I kind of agree that now isn’t the time to go, but I think i see it as a case of “better late than never,” rather than, “oh ok, you’ve stayed this long so you might as well keep your job.” He’s tried to kick his accountability down the road until we lose interest and that’s not the hallmark of a proper leader.

To be fair he wasn’t caught having a tinny on the train; the ultimate sin for the Daily Mail.

Oh wait, he’s also not a black female so he’s allowed to get away with more.


Of course now is the right time to go. We have changed PMs many times in past wars, including WW2 which was a war we actually fought in. We need a competent leader during a war, not a criminal.


I didn’t either and I think, selfishly, it’s because the super strict rules didn’t really hurt me too much.

When you read the stories of people having to say goodbye through a window (at best!) and can’t attend funerals, can’t give someone a hug, it’s awful.

But he has zero shame, there’s no accountability and he isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Citing the cost of living crisis that his party has had a huge hand in creating, as a reason to stay boggles the mind.