Obsession with Monzo

Just a funny one! I feel like since opening Monzo I have been obsessed going on the app, like every half an hour as it looks good. Anybody else doing that? :joy:


I do it in the hope someone has deposited a large gift, and I haven’t received a notification.

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The magic money pixies have failed me too :frowning:


It has made me a lot better at managing my finances.

No longer is it a chore to check or keep on top of it all and I can’t believe how I tolerated it for so long at my last bank :heart:


Same, I check it quite a lot and the notifications help with that too. Monzo has definitely helped with my finances and budgeting.

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I used to check it all the time at the start but not no more, just check now when I’ve got a notification come through

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