Number of Monzo Users

Tom shared another update on Monzo’s user growth in his most recent interview -


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Monzo User #65366. Proud to be a Monzonaut!! :smile: :sunglasses:

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Activation Date: 24th October 2016. :sunglasses:


I signed up yesterday afternoon, received my card this morning :grinning: User #119756

Cant wait to start using my card today!


@alexs How’s that user curve looking now? It doesn’t seem that long since 100,000 was passed yet here we have nearly 120,000!


It’s looking a lot like the perfect ‘up & to the right’ graph that we’re used to seeing from the big tech companies :wink: :tada:


number 121,562 passed this morning :slight_smile: almost 1000 new users a day - thats a lot of lickin


Where do you find your user number?

Good question :slight_smile: you’ll find it at the bottom of Card > Settings in the iOS app & I assume that it’s somewhere similar on Android…

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It’s at the bottom of Settings on Android:

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Reminds me of a talk i recently went to by Ash Mayura and the obsession with hockey stick/up and to the right :joy:

Great news for Monzo (and us passionate monzonaughts). I’d rather see diagrams on engaged/repeat users with a hockey stick too (or even better showing better % of engaged users per number coming on board) but I guess I’d have to actually work with Monzo to see those figures!

So far everyone I have referred in recent months have loved Monzo and are now regular users to im guessing engaged users is also up and to the right.

Great work Monzo team!!

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I know I have posted this before somewhere but may as well post it again


#100733 ahh so close!


Some more useage stats from Monzo’s Crowdcube investment deck…turns out 60% of all users are still using their card so it looks like anyone who sticks with the card for the first month carries on using Monzo after that :thumbsup:


Tom is quoted as saying that Monzo has more than 130,000 users now, in the latest Business Insider coverage of the crowdfunding :thumbsup:

It’s been a while since anyone’s posted their user number & activation date so if there’s any new users who could share theirs, it would be really helpful for tracking Monzo’s growth :pray:

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User Number: 130,488
Card activated on the 4th March


Just to give some sense of how quickly user growth is accelerating - Monzo reached 100,000 users at towards the end of January (on the 24th) & they’re now on track to hit 150,000 users before the end of this month (user 145,751 activated their card today)!

The average number of users added per day in the last quarter of 2016 was ~445. It’s been ~780 this quarter so growth is now 43% faster :rocket:


Cool! Never knew you could see your user # until now!

Activated on 20 September 2016

Damn… Hey @alexs How much of a peak is there in the amount of users around the Sept / Oct time? :slight_smile:

With the launch of Android 1.0 there looks to be a huge leap! Because not too long after @AlexM I was user 51071!! :smiley:


Looks like it’s a bug with my user number/activation date. That screenshot in my post was from about 5 mins ago, so not sure what’s happened! Will let you know what :monzo: say :slight_smile:

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