Non Monzo address book!

I have some non Monzo accounts which I occasionally need to move money to, also I have some friends who don’t use Monzo

It would be good if Monzo could save past Payee’s, this would make paying people much easier.

I know that you want more people to use Monzo and making harder to transfer out of the Monzo eco system might seem like a good idea but it could be to your detriment, after all the more features the better?



Monzo already does this ==> check out the “Recents” section in the Payments tab.


So they do!

Reckon it would be an idea to have them as the round circles in the ‘Pay someone on Monzo’ section and rename this to ‘Pay Someone’?

Monzo are currently redesigning the Payments tab and they’ve mentioned the main idea behind the redesign is that you “shouldn’t need to know if the person you’re sending money to has a Monzo account, or if you have their phone number” so it looks like the “Recents” section and the “Pay someone on Monzo” section are being combined into a unified payee’s list.


This is why I use them!

They always seem to be a couple steps ahead :sweat_smile: