No way to open support chat anymore

You need to save the link. Everyone needs to save the link. And Monzo needs to go to the corner of shame.


I’ve copied it to my notes on my iPhone, hopefully it doesn’t stop working one day!

If the link ever stops working, and they haven’t replaced the button in the app, essentially leaving “lol good luck talking to us” that will be the day I move my account. I bloody love my Monzo account but support is not an optional nice to have.

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Yeah it would be bad enough for me to seriously consider a move away if they fully removed any live support option.

I’ve only just come back as full Monzo and it seems like here, Twitter and Reddit every day since I’ve seen more and more bad things about Monzo. :joy:


I just pressed help and went straight to live chat. No articles or anything :person_shrugging:


Lucky you!

And even when you do get a human, this is the “i can’t be bothered to read your message” response they might send. Twice.

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Doesn’t the flow let you choose a date?

Any day from tomorrow onwards

That’s dire.


Ah my bad; didn’t see the today part.

Hah, I got the “I’m just going to pop you over” message too, clearly a canned response. Never did hear back from them. Beyond poor if I’m honest, absolutely no way I could bank full time with Monzo based on that.

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There are other shining examples of customer support lately. Seems like it’s not worth it even when you do get through.


Yeah I saw that last night, not good from Monzo. Dunno if it’s just because I’ve switched to Monzo but seems this last few weeks there are even more bad stories about Monzo support.

I saw on Reddit something about they moved all live support to South Africa, not sure what’s true and what isn’t.

I think there’s always been noise around it, you’re probably just heightened to it because you’ve moved.

But this sort of thing I find so frustrating. It was a relatively simple question, if by some slim chance, this was the first time someone had ever asked that question, then it goes into the FAQ for next time, and even then, someone knows the answer to get it for the customer now. Moved from person to person, don’t read the question again and again. Awful.


This is the most likely thing, it’s like when you buy a car and you see them everwhere. :joy:


That thread made me laugh a lot. That is basically the experience we’re all having with Monzo. It could really be cleared up by forcing management to mystery shop their app.

Oh, and an update on my issue: I replied by asking them to raise it as a complaint.


At this point I feel like using a random number generator to pick responses from a pool of pre-written support articles would have a better chance of answering queries first time than support themselves.

It’s absolutely shocking that Monzo have faced criticism on this for years but instead of seeing what can they do to make it better they actively make it worse by making accessing chat even more difficult and outsourcing.

Enshittification at its best. But hey, it’s all good as long as the Exec responsible for customer support can show that first contact times are decreasing while saving costs per customer. Pat on the back, and big fat bonus; who cares about customers, eh? Love me a bit of capitalism.


All companies are the same now. Sky are one of the worst at this. They all seem to think every question can be answered by the help system.

To my surprise that worked perfectly. Thanks for that one.

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