Newly weds with joint cheques

My friends, neither of whom currently have a Monzo account, are newly married and have been given several wedding gifts in the form of cheques made out to Mr and Mrs. They don’t currently have a joint account with any bank and the wife hasn’t yet got round to applying for new ID in her married name. Apparently their existing banks are “being an arse”.

I gave the following advice but wanted to check it was correct. If they both open a sole account with Monzo in their maiden names using their existing ID, and then create a joint account, the wife can use her marriage certificate to change her name in app and then they can pay the cheques in?

This is based on this help question:

EDIT to add screenshot.

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Bang on. Having just got married myself, my wife changer her name at Monzo with our marriage certificate. Very easy. Lloyds wasn’t too much hassle other than we were in there for ~45 minutes cause of their slow systems.

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Hi @Sam87 :wave:

Yep, that’s right!

Users can sign up using their maiden names (or same name as on their original IDs), and then after this, they can change their legal name by providing us with official documentation (such as deedpoll or certificates) :grinning:

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Thanks. When you say “provide us with official documentation”, does that mean posting an original, posting a copy, or sending a scan, etc? (Just curious at this point - my friends have already signed up for their accounts.)

Start a chat in-app asking to change their legal name and you’ll be asked to send a picture of the document - which you can take with your phone and send in the chat :sparkles:

At least that’s based on when my friend did it a few months ago.

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My wife just sent a photo of the marriage certificate, all sorted within minutes.

Sorry for the delay there!

Taking a picture with your phone camera (or sending across a pdf of a scanned copy etc) would be perfect :grinning: