New: The Gadget Show

That :bell::end: Craig Charles is it him off Red Dwarf just gets on my nerves, he’s no idea about anything whatsoever

No longer “all about the gadge” for you? :wink:

I have a feeling that I caught a few episodes years ago and it was the Toby Young looking, “gadge” saying fellow that was on it?

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That’d be Jason Bradbury - I stopped watching once he (and Suzi Perry) left. Both were really good presenters. I’m sure Otis is still good too (he was there with Jason/Suzi), but there’s a lifetime for shows like this and the format needs changing regularly a la Top Gear.

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Otis is still good but the rest of the cast is mediocre. Especially Jon. Think the cast needs some youth injected into it for some fresh ideas.

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Anyone watching this series ?

Nope. Just like everyone else I think it has gone massively downhill and is terrible now.

It was a big mistake getting rid of the original team a few years ago and deciding to keep Jon of all people. There’s no life or excitement anymore, it has gone very dull - I’m surprised it has lasted this long, let alone return for yet another series.


It belongs in the bin, they ruined it. It’s had its day and I seriously doubt it can even be recovered.

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I have watched it, but its all crap tech, and stuff that people cant afford to buy, and it feels like a lot of product placement.

Jon is dull, Georgie no idea what she does or is meant to do, and Otis is a waste of space, and Craig Charles needs to stay in Red Dwarf

Its had its day, and needs to be humanly killed off…

In which case, I might start watching it again.

No gadget show tonight

Oh, that’s the sad bit about it…

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The entire broadcast schedule has been cancelled after the death of a Prince Philip. I doubt he wanted any of that.

Channel 5 has gardening on though ? I’m confused

I forgot you lack the ability to Google stuff.

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It’s a sign of respect

The other channels are showing tributes so they’re showing a repeat

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Its ok mate dont worry.

I did check Twitter as I evidently saw Gadget Show wasn’t on.
I was asking what you mean by the broadcasting being cancelled when gardening was still on instead

I’m not worried I just think your comment was tasteless.

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Fair enough. Didn’t mean to come off like that. I was trying to imply that because of todays sad passing that subsequently the gadget show isn’t on

It is on 5 player… watching tonights episode

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Nice one thanks !