New Job

So um, for those of you that were around a while back and suggested I apply for a job at Monzo, I did exactly that and apparently I now work for them in Customer Operations :slight_smile:

Don’t worry, I won’t leave the forum high and dry and if something goes wrong at 3am on your Saturday night out I might be the person you talk to on chat :smiley:


Congratulations buddy :tada:

Happy to have you on board!

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Congratulations bud :slight_smile:

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Congrats Hugh - I know I speak for everyone when we say we’re absolutely thrilled to have you on board! :tada::tada::tada::sunglasses::sunglasses::champagne::champagne::champagne:


:tada: :tada: :tada:

I look forward to working with you! :smiley:


Congratulations! :woman_singer::mage::merperson:

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Congratulations Hugh :confetti_ball:

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Thanks all :smiley:


Well done @crablab :sunglasses::+1:

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Congratulations Hugh, really pleased for you!

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Congratulations! :tada:

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Congratulations Dude! :smirk: :tada:

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Great stuff. Congratulations :+1:

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Wooo Congratulations

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Congrats man, well deserved!

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Congratulations, to both you and Monzo :grinning:

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Well done Hugh! Now all the replys that you tell all the newbies to contact support, you can now answer directly! Good luck!

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Indeed :smiley:
It’s really frustrating having to do that but a lot of the time we just can’t given answers as community members as the question is account specific :frowning:

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Congratulations, so pleased for you

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I am looking forward to see :mondo: with your PP soon :wink:

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