Hi, I’m still waiting for the bank card. I haven’t yet activated any card.
I still haven’t received the card, now I would like to change my address is changed sthere’s no I would like to request the card to be delivered to a new address.
But the app displays only “Activate card” (which I haven’t had any yet), there’s no other option of changing the address.
I think I should contact the Support Team to change my address, but I couldn’t find anywhere to do it.
Would any one please help? Thank you!
Card not arrived yet, so it’s not activated yet.
I have already requested the card to be delivered to the original address I wrote in application several times, but still couldn’t get it.
Now my address is changed.
I would like to request the card to be delivered to a new address.
Hi, as above, you can’t change the address until you activate your first card. This is how Monzo verify that your address is actually what you say it is
You haven’t moved house since you applied? If you have, there will be no record of you at that address anyway so I would imagine it wouldn’t help you when applying.
How far is the old house? Could you ask the people there now to save any mail and you can pick it up?
Another alternative would be to get your mail diverted to your new address by royal mail, but don’t think it’s cheap.