My complaint with Monzo

I’ve read @anon99402360 ’s with interest and disappointment. This is the kind of situation Monzo needs to become better at dealing with - particularly if it wants more customers to go full Monzo. It is undeniable that you would have been far less likely to be subjected to that level of uncertainty and stress had you been making such a payment with one of the legacy banks.

It feels to me like Monzo’s processes are built around the needs of millennials, which very rarely include larger payments. For Monzo to be considered as a genuine alternative to legacy banks, it needs to cater to the needs of all of its customer base - not least of all as the needs of its millennial base will grow more complex as customers age.

I first posted about the issue of payment limits in January 2018, so it’s disappointing the process they’ve designed is still so far from being stress-free.