Monzo to Other Bank Transfer with Sort Codes


I just received my new Monzo with sort code. I was wondering if it’s possible to move money from the Monzo card to my HSBC account? This will help instead of taking cash out and then depositing it into my other bank. Thanks.


Yes. Standard bank transfer


Hey @Tincatcanuck!

Yes! This is one of the big advanatages of the Current Account over prepaid :smiley:

If you go to payments, on the bottom bar, you should see an option at the top for “bank transfer” where you’ll be able to enter your HSBC details to transfer money there. It is Faster Payments so hopefully your money should arrive pretty instantly :tada:

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

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Hey Crablab,

Thanks for that. I didn’t even think about looking there. Ok, now I’m stoked on this new era of banking.


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