Monzo Premium, AXA Travel Insurance

Hi All,
I’ve contacted Monzo support and they didn’t know, I’ve tried to contact AXA and cannot seems to get to anyone but I have emailed awaiting response…

My question is do I need to inform them of names, DOBs, travel time, etc before travelling,
Or if time comes to claim (hopefully it doesn’t) if any of our documents are not in line with the policy it’ll just be refused? they’re not my tickets etc are in line with policy.


You can download a copy of the terms under the premium tab, Settings right at the bottom.

As far as I know, you’d provide the information at the time of claim.

Yes thank you already downloaded and read through the T&C to see if I could see anything… this is literally a last resort… Ideally I’d need someone that has made a claim or just been away using this travel insurance to see what they’ve done.

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