Monzo Plus – you asked us to make it simpler, so we’ve created bundles

Introducing the Traveller, Home and Supporter bundles :tada:
You told us Monzo Plus could be made even simpler - so that’s what we’ve done!

A special thanks to you, our community :pray:
The Monzo Plus team has been hard at work making the feature better - all thanks to your feedback. As well as reading all of your feedback here on the forum, we’ve spent some time speaking to you individually, asking what you like about Monzo Plus so far, and what we could do to make it better. So, a heartfelt thanks to everyone who’s taken the time to share their thoughts here or participated in our user research - we truly value it. :hot_coral_heart: :heart_eyes:

And we’re not stopping there - experiments, user research and feedback are really important to us here at Monzo, and will continue to help us make even more improvements to Monzo Plus in the weeks and months to come.

I’m a Plustomer. What do the changes mean for me?
Thanks for joining us so early on in our journey, and for waiting patiently for an update on where we’re at - we’re so glad to have you!

We’ll be emailing each one of you individually with your options. You can stay on your current plan if you’d like, until the end of your minimum term. Or you can switch - and based on what your current plan is, we’ll be giving you a switching offer personal to you. As we’ve reduced the minimum term to 6 months for the bundles, your switching offer will run for 6 months, from the day you switch. For most people, this will be a switch to the traveller bundle, for the same as what you currently pay.

The new bundles don’t include 1.5% interest (AER) on balances, though. After we added it, we didn’t see a lot of new customers joining Monzo Plus as a result. And because it costs Monzo a lot to offer, we haven’t included it in any of the new bundles. We’re going to explore how we can add it back in a future bundle - watch this space :eyes:

But we know it’s popular with many Plustomers - so if you want to keep earning interest, you can! There’s no obligation to switch to a bundle, and you can continue earning interest until the end of your minimum term.

With the bundles, you can now add new things to Monzo Plus after you’ve signed up - so you can start with one or two, and add others on later if you like.

:credit_card: And because we know you’re excited about them - metal cards are on the way! We’re exploring how best to offer them to everyone, but until then, there’ll be a monthly prize draw as part of the Supporter bundle starting in September.

Got any cool ideas or thoughts you’d like to share? We’d love to hear it - comment below! :point_down:

What do you think about the new bundles?

Which future bundles would you like to see?

:hot_coral_heart: the Monzo Plus team


Thanks for the update. People have been tearing their hair out looking for one.



Maybe it’s just me but this feels even more complicated than what was in place before…


I think from what I understand, it’s somehow been made worse?



Well, that’s the point of interest isn’t it? Costs the bank some money as they’re giving a customer interest on the money they deposit, which the bank uses to invest / loan out. It’s a reciprocal thing, Monzo.


In theory then - can I choose right now to opt for the monzo supporter one - then add on travel insurance, content insurance and lounge access ? (I know lounge access is coming in September)

I’d be interesting to see how this will work with the bundles, what if I choose to stay and don’t switch to one, will I be offered a metal card or will I be forced to change to a bundle?

Not on here, if the various threads are anything to go by.

That didn’t go so well for the Plus event…

Jesus… :roll_eyes:


Oh wow… theyve made a bad thing… worse :grimacing:


(Not a Plustomer) - So it’s gone from a “pick and choose”/ “bolt-on what you need when and if you need it” to you HAVE to fit ONE of these THREE options (with one not really being of any use). Seems so so so much worse.

Not to mention NONE of the options has the interest? Which incurred resources to actually ask the community what they wanted from it… Interest from what i could see was one of the ONLY benefits of Plus that actually made the offering worth it.

This is really sad to see…


Curious about the odd 95p on the Supporter plan… :thinking: why not just a fiver?


Physiological pricing. It seems like its cheaper but not really


Proven not to be the case not so long ago… whole numbers are simpler to consumers (something Monzo are normally a fan of…).

But my point was more along the lines of it being out of line with the wider pricing structure for the other plans.


I’d hazard a guess that “not seeing a lot of new customers joining plus” was less to do with the Interest (personally think that it should’ve been the higher % on the lower amount but hey ho) is more to do with Plus overall not being that good, not the interest.


With this new plan, if I can have:

  • Travel insurance
  • Lounge access
  • Content insurance
  • monzo supporter thing for the other stuff

Then I’ll be happy enough to not have the interest because of interests with pots.

Honestly, I don’t hate this. A lot of people said that the “core” M+ offering (now the “Supporter” bundle) wasn’t worth it; you can now just go to the features that are useful, like card usage overseas or home contents insurance (honestly, I might go for that when my current contents insurance gets renewed). A six month minimum term also seems far more reasonable than the old 12 months.

I’m also not too fussed about interest going — all it was ever going to do for me was subsidise the old Monzo Plus fee. :man_shrugging:

I’m just hoping that the Plustomer event on September 3rd clarifies the direction of travel some more, acknowledges the mistakes made with the first launch, and establishes a proper road map.

I’m so confused :exploding_head:

Addressing the card quality has been missed again too

edit. Not sure why that’s massive but it works :rofl:


For that you’d need the Traveller (£9 pm) AND the Home (£12 pm) package - £21 per month for 6 months - whopping grand total of £126 for 6 MONTHS (that’s forgoing the “merch” package).

Whereas previously you could chop and change it to get what you wanted…

AND you’re forgoing the possible £60 odd you would get from the interest!


If I was to theoretically get the “Home” package, would I also get the things in Supporter?

e.g. Custom username. Personalise the link you share with friends to send and request money.

it doesn’t look like it :thinking:

Unless I’ve misunderstood this new offering why would you make some benefits in these bundles mutually exclusive. Either have a tiered system or let the user choose what they want to include as additions to a basic plan.

My other question is around the ‘Offers and discounts’. I’m hoping it was just for the sake of repeating the text under each bundle as opposed to you only getting specific offers and discounts for different bundles. If not then why would you do that? :confused:

Overall, this is pretty disappointing to see and certainly a step in the wrong direction for me.


Upon reading it does seem you can combine them:

You can get all three bundles, or just one or two – whatever suits you. If you like, you can start with one, and add others whenever you like.