Yea not sure - It kind of seems like you can add the other stuff as well as what ever you choose but not clear - I guess ill wait for my email and see what happens then
@Sheri - If I choose to swap to a plan since im an existing Plus customer - will I have the option to choose all 3 ? Since they all work out for me in ways
Bundles are a step backwards. I thought the hub-and-spoke model was all about choices?
There seems to be endless pricing variations for the metal card. Can we get a better handle on how much the Metal card will be? If you are still modelling the pricing then can you at least say what the floor price will be?
The blog post says you can have any combination of bundles i’d guess since they will be offering their idea of whats “best” for you, you’ll still be able to request all 3.
yep - but was wondering if I’m doing a switch, would it be the same
edit: because since I’m not just choosing one - wondering how pricing will work out etc.
I doubt they’ll be offering discounts for picking more than one bundle as they all provide for different things.
Oh wow… It gets to the point where there are simply no more words that can describe how Plus has been handled.
No one wants to be negative, no one enjoys having a moan - We are all here because we want this to work…
But who is making these decisions?? The direction this is going in leaves me with absolutely zero faith in Monzo as a whole I’m afraid.
Maybe this is because despite the 1.5% interest, Monzo Plus was still an absolutey terrible product as it was (and is now). The 1.5% was available elsewhere for free, and was virtually the only worthwhile thing that Monzo Plus had to offer (subjective)…
I’m sorry, but the 3 new bundles are terrible value. I appreciate Monzo can’t offer things that other places can, but what’s the point in using Monzo to improve your finances, only to then spend your hard earned savings on terrible financial products?
The people who can take genuine value from these products must be very much in the minority, and I’d be amazed if this new direction yielded any more customers.
We often hear about how Monzo values the community, but when it’s all said and done, this was very much a product that would have benefited greatly from being shaped by the community… Yet all of these changes were done in the background, and having read the threads… No one seemed to mention anything like this.
Perhaps someone from the Monzo Plus team can actually come on, give us all a little “this is what’s been going on since launch”, and potentially map out the direction of Monzo Plus.
Because right now, not only is it far away from the “financial hub” and vision that has been set out previously… It’s simply a significantly worse knock off “current account” bundle that other banks have offered for years.
So, it’s £25.95 per month for all of it? With no interest?
I’ll be honest, whilst this is simpler that doesn’t mean the offering is better. The big thing people were crying out for was being able to bolt-on features that came out post their becoming a Plustomer, not to be even more hemmed in.
What if a new “Traveller” feature is brought out? Will Plustomer’s now be able to add that on?
This sounds great but in practice is deployed poorly, giving someone the option of a Metal Card for £70 as opposed to someone else for £90 for an example - it isn’t fair on your customer’s and even in the name of “experiments or use research/ feedback” this isn’t fair.
What if a new “Traveller” feature is brought out but I already have the “Traveller” bundle? Will I get that new feature?
Does that mean there will only ever be 3 bundles that continually get added to or will we see different bundles with ever further varying features? Will it come to me paying £75 just so I can have that one feature i like from Traveller, the two from Home and one from a future bundle i don’t even know about?
So Metal Cards are a Plus only benefit? So I have to pay £70-90 for the card AND THEN £X for my plus membership?
We’ve all been waiting patiently for updates but I’m sorry, this is absolutely terrible.
Wow. This really is anything but a negative update from my point of view.
I’m now left with the opinion that I’ll wait for my £3 a month early bird offer to end, then I will cease to continue with Monzo plus.
I have no interest in a bundle that has elements I simply don’t need or want. The ‘pick and mix’ element has gone meaning what £26 a month is needed for everything with no 1.5% interest bonus.
No thanks.
This is embarrassing.
Where’s phone insurance? (I don’t want or need contents insurance before you ask), Monthly prize draws for a metal card? No interest?
Come on Monzo, you’re better than this.
I’ve got to say, I’m quite tempted by the Home bundle. Does the ‘things you take with you’ include accidental demage or loss?
Most notable missing item from this underwhelming list:
An apology for how badly this has and continues to be handled.
I’ve lost interest in Monzo Plus. Not interested in any of the bundles. Massive mistake removing the interest. I will be leaving Monzo plus when my plan ends.
This is literally the best option at this point
Both literally and figuratively…
I couldn’t help myself it was there for the taking!