Monzo Plus - what would you like to see?

I have to admit I am a bit surprised by how many people on this thread are surprised that insurance and age are so related and think this displays some bias

Is that not how all insurance works? More expensive insurance for young drivers; more expensive for those with pre-existing conditions and so on

In this case all those dreaded millennials taking their lower insurance premiums and spending it on avocado when they could be buying a house a 47 year old originally bought for £10,000


All this needs is a link to the Financial Times.


I agree, though 46 does seem to be quite a low upper limit for travel insurance.

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The last time I personally knew anyone who actually managed to buy a house for £10,000, was my own Mother. She bought a small 3 bed semi in 1978 for £10,050 and she was 35ish at the time if I remember correctly. Wind forward to the turn of the century when I managed to buy my house, I was 32 and it cost me £70,000.

And why do people keep going on about ‘metal’ cards. I mean, really? What is the fascination with wanting a metal card? or perhaps this is where I’m showing my age and don’t understand exactly what is it that certain customers want these days. It all seems a bit pretentious to me.


I have no idea either, I hardly use my plastic ones! (Google Pay…)

My first house cost £23,000 back in 1999. A little two-bedroom end link :slightly_smiling_face:


Not in the ‘proper’ lounges :wink:

I hate you.



It’s not for me at the moment, so I’ll keep a watching brief on it, but I like the idea of buying the base model and then topping up as and when.

And as someone in their early 40’s I understand the range on the insurance, as I can feel bits of my falling apart already!

Things i would want my bank to give me in return for a fee:

  • VIP higher interest rate on savings
  • Ability to collect AVIOS on purchases
  • mobile phone insurance (a good one)
  • travel insurance
  • a metal card (because they’re cool and my friends have one)
  • deals on Netflix/Spotify/Headspace/Amazon Prime/Expedia
  • Early access to monzo beta features

I get that some people will find value in this, (and honestly that’s great because you’ll be subsidising the rest of us) but to say that I’m not a fan of the package would be a severe understatement.

To me it feels more like the Patreon offering for a podcast than a serious premium add on for a unicorn fintech. How long can Monzo keep trading on its brand, when (IMHO) it’s slowly devaluing it in an effort to improve short term profitability?

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I thought Monzo had a restrictive list of places they accept payments from? Or am I thinking of Starling?

They may well have. Must admit I’ve only tested with US.

And, apparently, the travel insurance is only available to those under 50?

I’m out…

Monzo- you’re ageist. Does the MO in Monzo mean Millenials Only?

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I believe it is just a trail at the moment and they will look to be more inclusive when the full Monzo Plus is released

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Have you read the response from Monzo?

This is the first product from one provider only. They will be adding more and you’ll then have plenty of products from a multitude of providers.


This isn’t ageist. It’s just (unfortunately) how insurance works. We’ve discussed this further up the thread.


Glad to hear it. :crossed_fingers::+1::+1:

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I know you’re joking but 18 year olds are Gen Z and 45 year olds are Gen X, so it’s more anti-Baby Boomer than pro-Millennial.

It’s pretty standard to need special travel insurance as you get older (with much higher premiums). It wouldn’t be fair to put up the price for everyone else to cater to a small minority with different needs.

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But 46 is by no means old, and 46+ certainly isn’t a minority.

It’s worth comparing this with other packaged account insurance; those from HSBC and Nationwide, for example, have an upper age of 69.


I imagine monzo didn’t choose 46

I imagine the insurer said its data made premiums below 46 cheaper.

So it doesn’t matter what individuals consider old just what the data says