Monzo Plus vs Monzo Perks

Hi, I currently subscribe to Monzo Plus, and I love the Blue Holographic card that comes with it. I am constantly asked if I want to upgrade to Monzo Perks, but even if there was a perk that would be useful to me, I wouldn’t get it, because I prefer the card I get with Plus. Why pay all that money extra, to end up with the same card as a standard account?? Makes absolutely no sense to me, at all.

Not everyone subscribes just because of the card colour.

You can change to any plan and keep your current card.

I’ve changed plans several times and I still have my Hot Coral card. Sadly it runs out in June.

You keep your current card as others mentioned. I’ve also found that I can order a replacement metal card.

Assuming it’ll be the same for Monzo plus cards? (correct me if im wrong)


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